Hello there im Fumi! and today im moving to a new town
i heard it has an ocean view, although as exciting as this is im definitely gonna miss my old town.
Oh well, new town new memories, i might as well enjoy this!
Ever since i was little i absolutely adored swimming, i'd take lessons of it almost none stop.
But back to the present now! I think i see our new house up ahead
Fumi dear, it's gonna be a bumpy road ahead hold on tight as my mom said from the front row seat
It really was a bumpy road ahead i felt sick after that, and i think i accidentally crushed the roses my old friends gave me due to that.
Well what a great start to moving in!The house was beautiful along with the view of the ocean from my new bedroom.
Fumi! could you be a dear and help me unpack as my mom shouted, i was too mesmerized staring at the alluring view
that when i finally got the urge to get up and help my mother unpack she had already finished.Well look at that now i see why you took so long the view of the ocean truly is beautiful..
Im sorry i took so long mom, is there anything else i can help you with?
Actually yes there is, meet me in the kitchen to have some snacks i'd like to have a talk with you.Okay then, once my mom left my bedroom i started to worry about what she wanted to talk about with me.
Once I got to the kitchen i actually wasn't in trouble, my mom just told me about a summer festival this town was holding and
she thought maybe it would be a good idea for me to join so i could make new friends.
Today i thought i'd explore the town a bit more so i decided to grab my bike and look around.
It got late pretty fast, so before i went home i decided to stop by a sweet shop to go look for some snacks.
I accidentally bumped into a girl.I apologize for bumping into you miss!
That's alright there's no need to worry are you alright?
Yes im fine thank you...
Well it seems like you need some help with that big package of sweets, are you a delivery girl here?
Actually yes i am! but are you sure i don't wanna trouble youThank you for the help, i actually never got to know your name
It's Fumi!
That's such a beautiful name Miss Fumi.
Im fuyuri
Say fuyuri do you think we could be friends?
Of course, it'd be nice to have a new friend
Well i might have to go now fuyuri, it's getting late
Of course i'll see you soon Miss Fumi!
After we greeted each other farewell we exchanged contact numbers.Once i was close to home i knew i forgot something.
The snacks!!!
AdventureA 13 year old girl named Fumi moves into a new town with an ocean view, while she was swimming and was getting ready to go back to shore she suddenly realized everyone was nowhere to be seen. She looks all over the place only to see a mysterious fig...