The Summer festival

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                                                         I've started to hang out more with fuyuri more often these days, she soon became a best friend to me.
                                                                                  I'd sometimes go help her deliver snacks and around the shop.
                                           As the days went by the summer festival soon came slowly and so i asked fuyuri if she could go with me she said yes.

                                                                       Fumi! Let's go try and win a goldfish as fuyuri shouted at me while dragging me to the stall
                                                       I didn't really like seeing sea creatures captive so i ended up trying too many times, way too many times.
Me and Fuyuri decided to join a ramen eating contest we were both up against a guy that looked like an idiot.
No surprise he was an idiot he was actually allergic to beans and the ramen had beans in it without him knowing.
And he ended up passing out in the end.
We both still feel a bit bad for him though!

                                                When the time of the fireworks came i actually decided to leave fuyuri for a bit since i didn't really like loud noises
                                                         I went to the shore and watched the ocean waves alone, but it's as if someone else is there with me.
                     I ended up accidentally falling asleep on the shore but i found myself  in the comfort of my own bedroom i wonder what happened. . .

After the festival, fuyuri was wondering all this time where i went, i had to lie to her that i felt a bit sick so i went home.

Fuyuri was busy at work today, so i decided to go out biking myself until i saw a boy he was painting the ocean.
I decided to watch him until he finished without talking to him, i was hoping he wouldn't notice me
since it would be creepy if i just watched him paint for the whole hour.
Well he obviously noticed me, but he just let me watch peacefully without saying a word. I ended up conversing with him after he finished painting.

It turns out his name was natsu and he was painting the ocean because he had nothing else to do during his free time.

                                                                     After conversing with Natsu for a while he considered me as his friend although
                                                                 we didn't exchange any numbers he just said you'll find me near the ocean painting.               

                                                                   Today i decided to try and check out the ocean, with my mom's permission of course.
                                                                                 The ocean here was clean it wasn't polluted, it was beautiful down there.

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