~ Healing wounds ~

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Ye ye we do be on chapter 6✨✨
This is somewhat wholesome chapter I think??
- Third persons pov -
Green purred softly as Blue began to wash his fur, turning on the shower water. He and Blue were probably the only ones that actually liked the showers since Purple refuses to take any. "You like that?" Blue asked as he began to rub a wash cloth against the taller male's back, occasionally struggling to get some blood off. "Why are you so fluffier than us? Shouldn't I be fluffier due to my size?" Blue huffed.

The blind creature suppressed a giggle, he then sighed. It felt odd to not be chained up during shower-time, it felt really odd to both of them, especially for Green and Orange. "I - I don't really know. . .I - I don't mind it though!" He smiled, he then arched his back, letting the blue creature go deeper of cleaning the blood off. Though the tall male had forgotten there was a scar on his back, so when Blue had touched it, he let out a surprise but painful yelp. This made the blue creature quickly withdrew his paws away from Green's back. "Shit! Did I accidentally hurt you? I'm sorry Green!" Blue quickly apologized.

Green shook himself, taking a deep breath. "I - It's fine Blue." He mumbled. Wrapping his long arms around himself. "J - Just keep washing the blood off. . ." He whined, as much that he didn't want to feel that pain again, he wanted to feel the gentle touch that he had been receiving earlier. "Are you sure?" Blue asked nervously. 'He's so sweet and kind. . .its nice to know he cares.' Green thought, smiling softly. "Mhm. . ." He nodded in response before feeling the wet wash cloth on his back again.

Blue still felt a little guilty for accidentally hurting the blind creature like that but he knew he had to keep cleaning Green. "Alright, so I finished cleaning the blood off of your back. Now I'm gonna clean your paws, okay?" He told him, the taller male slowly turned and held one of his paws. Blue smiled softly, blushing slightly as he took a hold of Green's paw, gently cleaning off the blood off of it. "Your paws are so soft." He commented, earning a quiet embarrassed squeak from the other male.

The blue creature felt his heart pounding as he cleaned it, he then stared at Green's paw for a few moments. "Um. . .B - Blue? Is something wrong?" Green asked nervously. "O - Oh! N - Nothings wrong Green!" Blue quickly responded before grabbing his other paw and started cleaning it. "Do you. . .Do you want me to try and bandage up some of your scars or wounds?" He asked awkwardly, his heart still pounding. "Mm. . .no thank you, but thanks for offering Blue." Green replied with a soft smile.

Blue sighed as he continued to clean Green's other paw. "Now we gonna clean your mouth, it's all bloody and gross." He commented after finishing up. He blushed even more as he looked at Green's bloody face. "Okie." Green did his usual blep. Blue giggled quietly and started rubbing the wash cloth on Green's face, earning quiet annoyed growling from the taller male. He suppressed his laughter as he continued to clean Green's face, of course the water that came from the shower heads were landing on him too.

"Blue-" Green growled quietly. "Sorry Green but I need to clean the blood off." Blue grumbled, earning a huff from the blind creature. He then sighed, though his gaze moved towards Green's lips but he quickly glanced away. He quickly finished cleaning Green's face. "Don't worry, my paw has already been cleaned." Blue reassured him. "Just stay right here, I'm gonna get something real quick." He quickly left the basement for a few moments before returning with some glasses.

Green shifted awkwardly. "Let me Just-" Blue started as he turned off the water and handed the blind creature a large towel. "Just dry yourself off with the towel, I got you something." He told the blind creature who started drying himself with the towel. "T - Thanks but what did you get me?" Green questioned him after drying himself. "Here." Blue answered and placed the glasses on the blind creature.

Green blinked a few times, before winding at the sudden bright colors. Though one color stood out, and it was Blue, who was standing in front of him. He blushed red and glanced away, but the new sights and colors got him distracted. "I - I can see. . .I can see!" He felt tears of happiness forming in his eyes. He suddenly wrapped his long arms around Blue, causing the blue creature to blush madly. "Thank you so much Blue!" Green purred loudly, hugging the smaller male.

Blue gladly hugged him back. Blushing madly. "Y - You're welcome Green." He smiled, surprisingly shyly. "N - Now let's get back to the theater and. . .uh discuss things, I guess." He said as Green let go of him. "It's gonna feel weird to not have Red around here." Blue mumbled shamefully, but Green nodded in agreement. The blue creature carefully grabbed Green's paw and gently led him out of the basement.

When the two had entered the theater, Green let out a quiet gasp of surprise. Not even focusing on the fact that they were still holding paws. Blue didn't even wanna let go of his paw, it was so soft. He felt his heart pounding, he just. . .just wanted to be with Green and ignored what had happened. "Y'all together now or somethin'?" Purple asked, which caused Blue to blush madly and quickly let go of Green's paw, who also blushed madly as well. "N - No! W - We're Just friends!" Green snapped.

As much as the statement hurt, Blue forced himself to nod. "Orange already cleaned up the mess here." Purple shrugged, before narrowing their eyes. "Damn y'all are sad." They giggled a bit, before looking around at the theater. "So w - what do we do now?" Green asked, snapping himself out of his embarrassment and amazement that he could see again. 'He looks so cute with the glasses too. .' Blue thought, smiling.

Purple stuck their tongue out, looking annoyed. Well their glowing white eyes changed to annoyance as they did a blep. Their tail laid flat on the wooden floor, showing features of annoyance since they couldn't exactly changed their mouth. "Now we just- do things! You know?" They began, flickering their tail slightly. "We can do pretty much anything we want!" They snickered.

Before realizing, how weird and odd that sounded. They went silent, thinking for a moment. "Or we could anyway." They added awkwardly, laughing a bit afterwards. "That sounds odd." Blue commented. Orange suddenly shuddered. "Rawr." He didn't seem too fond of the idea of doing something without any orders. "Don't worry though! We'll get used to it, I promise guys!" Blue exclaimed, smiling brightly.

Purple exchanged uncertain glances with Orange, while Green shivered slightly. "It'll be weird though. . ." The tall creature mumbled, the others nodded in agreement. "So what should we do then now that Red is gone?" Blue asked, but they all just shrugged. "I - I wanna explore the place n - now that you gave me glasses." Green said before leaving the theater. Blue silently left the theater as well. "Those two are such sad helpless romantics." Purple commented, glancing at Orange, who blinked in confusion.

"Rawr-?" The small creature sounded confused, which made the vent creature giggled. "You didn't even notice this whole time?" They asked, but Orange shrugged. Not understanding still. "You're serious right now?" They giggled, their tail flickering as they sat down. "They love each other!" Purple huffed, though it was more of a snap. Orange winced slightly before looking curious. "And you really a voicebox or something so you can talk, but too bad Red ain't here anymore to help you with that!" They growled.

Purple suddenly started scratching their side, not caring if they accidentally made themselves bleed. "Rawr!" Orange growled, his tail lashing. "Eh don't worry, I'll be fine!" They giggled, as their tail wagged. They felt blood starting to form on their side, starting to soak their jet black claws but they didn't care, despite feeling pain, they were laughing a bit. This disturbed Orange. The small creature smacked their paw aggressively, growling loudly. "Okay! Okay! Goddamn you're bossy when you wanna be!" They growled, moving their claws away from their side as Orange awkwardly bandaged xer side. He then laid down, bread loafing.

Though the vent creature shuddered a bit. It was way too quiet. . .too peaceful, they didn't like it. It made them feel uncomfortable. "I'm so used to annoying Red." They chuckled, trying to break the silence but they noticed Orange ignored her when it mentioned Red. They growled quietly, grabbing a hold of its tail and held close. "Fine. Don't talk to me." They snarled quietly, though. . .

They hated the peacefulness. . .
I kinda died didn't I?
But that's okay, here's chapter six!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
And perhaps Red might return at some point?

Who knows? Anyway, hope you like it!

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