~ New Kill mode?! ~

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Ooooh drama!! And we got a new Kill mode?👀✨
Also please help me, my motivation is dying🙏🏿
- Third persons pov -
It had been a few months, four months to be exact since Red had torn off his own wings. Currently though, Purple was sleeping in the vents, like always. Red was taking pain medicine while ordering more supplies for the rainbow friends, and such. Though he was doing that in his lab and not his office. Orange was awkwardly getting to know Black, the giant black rainbow creature was bread loafing, silently listening to Orange. Blue was sitting on the theater, remembering the good times before they had all snapped. Green was just thinking to himself in his room that was in the basement, remembering many things. Though. . .

He just felt no ounce of anger, just pure bitterness towards the scientist that had tortured them all. Green slowly moved his claws towards a scar that was somewhere near his fluff, he gently traced it with a claw, before sighing and stood up. He then made his way out of the basement and towards the theater, when he arrived, he saw Blue just looking spaced out and sad. "Blue?" He spoke awkwardly, catching the smaller male off guard. "Oh! Hey Green!" Blue smiled, lightening up when he spotted Green.

The fluffy green creature smiled softly, giggling quietly as Blue came over and simply pulled him into a embrace, w(itch caused Green to squeak in surprise. "Love you~" Blue smirked, nuzzling his face into Green's fluff, causing the blind creature to blush in embarrassment. "L - Love you too Blue." He mumbled, he found himself purring. "Can we snuggle?" Blue asked sweetly, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Green gently returned the hug and smiled. "Sure. .why not?" He responded, which probably made Blue's day.

The two sat down on the theater, starting to snuggle. It was a bit nice to settle down for a little while, Blue was literally smothering his face into Green's fluff, while the blind creature is just gently patting his back. "Hey Green?" After two hours of snuggling on the theater, the two had ended up in a much more comfortable position and Blue had spoke. "Yes?" Green looked at him with curiosity, "Since it's been a few months since we got together and. . .I was thinking. . ." As Blue inched closer, gently ruffing Green's fluff, but in a more. . .sexual way, causing the blind creature to blush madly. "That is. . .if you want to, and if you're ready." Blue murmured, resting his head on the fluff.

Green felt his heart pounding, blushing madly. Though he wasn't really sure if he was ready or not. "I - I'm not sure if I'm completely ready for that yet. . ." He mumbled shyly, he felt a paw gently patting his shoulder. "It's okay Green, I'll wait until your ready." Blue smiled softly, closing his eyes. Green smiled and wrapped his arms around Blue. Silently glad that Blue was understanding and such. That's when all of sudden they heard a loud demonic screech from somewhere, scaring both of them.

Blue sat up straight, while Green straightens himself. Seeing Orange getting thrown into the theater, landing on the floor roughly. He yelped in pain as he made contact with the wooden floor, "Orange?! What happened?!" Blue exclaimed, as the two stood up. Orange slowly got up, his eyes were wide with horror. "HE happened!" He pointed his tail towards one of the entrances, and there, standing was some kind of thing. Though it had a burnt body, it had jet black arms, and face. Its's mouth and eyes were glowing green. It also had a tail that was black, and it lashed aggressively.

"He? What do you mean by 'he'?" Blue demanded, clearly confused and scared. "It's. . .its Red!" Green shivered, as Red let out another screech. Lashing his tail. "What happened to him?!" Green snapped. "I don't know!" Orange growled, as Red got on all fours, prowling closer. Growling loudly, he let out a roar and darted towards them, easily grabbing Orange with his long tail and threw him out of the theater, he then looked at Green and Blue. He let out a snarl, Green stiffened. Realizing this was Kill Mode.

"Humans." Blue looked at Green with confusion. "We need humans, Red has Kill Mode." Green growled, gently smacking his boyfriend on the head. That's when the scientist launched himself at the two, the blind creature quickly grabbed Blue and darted off somewhere, out of the theater. Causing Red to slam against the wall. "How do we get humans?" Blue asked while he was dragged by his tall boyfriend. Before Green could respond, they heard the recorder go off. "That's our answer I suppose." Green responded.

The blind creature heard Red running behind them, letting out hisses and growls that sounded demonic. They both can hear his claws practically trying to tear through anything that got into his way, until he suddenly stopped when he smelled humans. Though instead of abandoning his chase, he just continued to chase after the two rainbow friends. He suddenly tried to pounce again, his claws outstretched, his jaws snapping. Until he crashed right into a woman with brown hair and a white shirt, and blue jeans. Without any hesitation, Red started tearing her apart. Eating every limb and organ, "Holy fuck-" Blue yelped in horror.

Green took off his glasses, and placed them in his fluff. "I did not need to see that today." He huffed, before putting them on again, seeing Red standing there. Blood dripping from his teeth, looking menacing and hunched over. His long tail curled over his back, growling loudly. "H - Holy shit. . ." Blue swallowed nervously, as if he couldn't believe his childhood best friend, Daniel, had actually been infected with Kill Mode himself. Red growled loudly, prowling towards them both, small black spikes were slightly poking out of his back. They were sharp as fuck even though they were short.

Red rushed forward, Green threw Blue out of the way, causing the scientist to bite down on the blind creatures arm, causing him to yelp in pain. "F - Fuck!" Green growled, Red suddenly lashed out with his claws, slashing them across Green's face, "Green no!" Blue cried out as Green landed on the floor, crying out in pain. The glass landed on the floor and easily broke, Red licked his muzzle, ready to land another blow. "Red stop!" Blue snapped, Red whipped around, seeing Blue standing there, holding a human.

It was a short man with blonde hair. "You want something to eat again?" He challenged, earning a loud screech from the now-corrupted scientist. He rushed towards Blue, and the blue creature threw the man at Red, causing the scientist to start ripping him to bits, eating him. While Red was distracted for the time-being, Blue quickly ran to Green. "G - Green?" Blue was shaking, as the green creature lifted himself off the guard weakly. Groaning. Blue noticed Red hadn't scratched up Green's eyes, thankfully. "T - Thank goodness your okay!" Blue cried, pulling him into a embrace. Green smiled softly but awkwardly, before freezing up hearing a loud screech.

Blue looked towards Red, who was digging his claws into his head, as if he was turning back or something. "R - Red?" Blue stuttered slowly, still holding his tall boyfriend close to him. Red let out another screech, slamming himself against the wall, before suddenly collapsing on the ground, falling unconscious. . .

"What the hell?. . ."
Motivation still is a hit or miss and dying ofc-
However looks like Red joined the Kill mode squad! But holy fuckity fuck, the adventures in the future with it that you guys don't know about yet is funny be worth it (probably).
Also no hints.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter!

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