Chapter 10

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2 days before the incident~

Zayn was supposed to come back from his business trip yesterday, but there's no news from his side. It's just radioactive silence.

I text him for the billionth time but no luck. I try calling him but it goes directly to voice mail. I sigh and put my mobile down.

"It's alright lad, don't take stress. I'm sure he's running late or something!" Louis says patting my shoulder with an encouraging smile and I nod.

Maybe he's right.

But I can't shake this weird feeling that something's wrong. Really really wrong.

I close my eyes trying to calm myself when I suddenly hear Harry running into the room.

He almost slips and falls down.

"Woah, woah, baby, calm down-" Louis says while looking at Harry with concern.

"There's nothing to calm down about right now!" Harry replies while catching his breath.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"What happened??" Louis says while standing up, worried.

Harry hands the magazine he was holding, "See page 37"

Louis does as Harry says. The more he goes through the page, the more his eyes widens and a painful and worried expression takes over his face.

"This can't be true!" Louis says turning to Harry in disbelief.

"It is." Harry says with a grim expression.

"What's it??" I ask, not able to stay silent anymore.

Both of them turn to me and look back at each other not sure what or how to say anything.

"It''s.. I'm pretty sure there's a good explanation for this!" Harry says to me, trying to convince himself too as he says it. Louis nods frantically.

"An explanation for wha?"

They look back at each other again before turning back to me. Louis hands me the magazine.

I take the magazine.

Page 37.

There's a huge photo of Zayn.

With a girl.

She has her arms wrapped around his neck.

And they're...


I stare at the photo for sometime, trying to figure out if it's him itself.

It is. It definitely is.

There's a small paragraph written below the picture. I read it.

'Zayn Malik gets spotted hitting it off with a beautiful girl at the famous local pub. Are they a couple? Have they been dating in secret all this long? Or is this just a fling for the young CEO?? "They are completely smitten by each other and have plans of finally tying the knot after having secretly dating for the past 5 years" Says a source close to the spotted couple. That's right readers! It turns out to be a case of childhood sweethearts! Are we gonna get to see their wedding pics any time soon? Only time will tell.'

I look back at the picture and stare at it for a while before closing the magazine and placing it on the table. I plop down on the bed and close my eyes with a sigh.

"Lima-" Louis says worried as he sits down on the edge of the bed, beside me.

Harry joins.

"Li I'm sure there's some explanation for this!" Harry says, rather confidently this time.

"I know Haz." I reply.

I sit up straight again and give them a small smile.

"Don't worry I'm good. I trust Z. I know he would never do anything that would hurt me. I've seen the love and care for me in his eyes. He would NEVER hurt me. So don't worry!"

I call Zayn again. Once again it goes to voice mail.

I sigh.

I decide to leave a voice mail this time.

"Zee if you're avoiding conversation because of what's come in the magazine cause you're worried I'll be mad then please stop feeling that because I'm not mad. I know you would never do anything to hurt me and that there's an explanation behind all this."

Time goes by and I find myself leaving voice mails after voice mails.

"Are you busy?"

"Z, I miss you so much, please come back as soon as possible"

"I love you. I always did and I always will."

"I hope you're safe."

"Call me once you hear these. Once again, I love you. I love you SO MUCH."

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