Chapter 40

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Few years later~

It was race day. They were supposed to go have dinner at a restaurant after the race, celebrating their anniversary as well as Liam's victory. Zayn silently sat in his usual spot looking at the cars speeding through on the tracks. He knew Liam would win like always but the excitement and nervousness never went away no matter how many times Zayn had seen the race and his boyfriend effortlessly winning.

Cars sped by, almost blurring as they passed by the cameras. Liam was clearly a lot ahead of everyone. There were just a few more laps to go by. The crowd was going crazy, cheering, crying and rooting for their favorite racer to win.

It was the final lap. Zayn stood up, ready to jump in joy but all of a sudden Liam's car went out of lane and crashed the walls, bursting into flames. The whole stadium went silent.

It was deja vu.

Zayn couldn't believe it was happening all over again.

Zayn wanted to run into the tracks but Niall was holding him tight making him unable to move.

"NIALL LET ME GO TO MY BOYFRIEND!!" Zayn yelled, tears spilling through his eyes.

The emergency teams immediately went to the crash site and started trying to extinguish the fire while all the other racers were immediately pulled back into the pit area.

Harry sat on his knees, crying really bad as he was unable to contact Liam and there was absolutely no hope of him surviving.

A few moments later the car was visible again but it was broken. Half of the car was still on the other side of the barrier engulfed in a ball of flame surrounding it. The team continued extinguishing the flame while the stadium dimed into an eery silence, everyone horrified and lost.

Zayn somehow managed to slip out of Niall's grasp and went and stood by the barricade separating the track and the stands. Zayn held the metal fence sobbing as he looked at the crash site.


He really wanted to go in but didn't because he knew he was only going to make it harder for the emergency team. So he stood by the barricade, crying his heart out.

After what felt like a lifetime even though it was just a few minutes, there seemed to be some kind of moment in the flame which grabbed the team's attention and they started  focusing more towards the moment making everyone turn their attention towards it.

It looked like something or someone was moving which made hope bloom into everyone's chest.

"Liam-" Zayn choked out on seeing the moment.

And there he was. Making his way out. Liam jumped over the barricade, making his way out through the ball of flames gracefully, walking into safety. Everyone were completely speechless, unable to believe their eyes. Nobody could survive such a fatal crash and yet Liam was walking out of it completely fine, right in front of their eyes. Harry hugged his husband and started crying tears of joy while Louis rubbed his back, happy tears brimming his own eyes.

Zayn immediately rushed into the tracks and stood in front of Liam making sure he was okay and if he could hug him.

"Liam-" Zayn said unable to form any words. Liam took off his helmet and opened his arms for Zayn. Zayn immediately rushed into his arms, hugging him tight as he cried happy tears.

Liam was alright. His Liam was alright and still here with him.

After calming down, Zayn pulled back enough to see Liam's face. Liam took off his gloves and threw them on the ground before raising them and cupping Zayn's face, wiping away his tears.

"I love you. I love you so much." Zayn said, his voice breaking a little but a smile on his face.

"Marry me." Liam replied making Zayn's smile fall off and look at Liam with wide blinking eyes, unsure if he had heard Liam right.

"W-what-" Zayn asked.

Liam slipped one of his hand into his pocket, searching for something before pulling out a small golden velvet box. Everyone's attention was on them now.

"Oh my God-" Harry squealed before crying out of joy again.

"I'm so proud of my baby, Lou!" He squeaked making Louis shake his head with a smile on his lips.

"Me too love, me too." Louis said looking at Ziam.

Liam took a few steps back before kneeling down on one leg, with one of Zayn's hand in his.

Zayn was staring at Liam with his mouth open making Liam want to chuckle but he decided to keep it for later.

"Zayn Javadd Malik. Well I had planned of doing this later, in the restaurant as we would celebrate our 5th anniversary together but this crash came into my plans like a curve ball but that of course isn't going to stop me. Nothing can ever stop me anymore. I've loved you since the moment I first laid my eyes on you. To others you are a rare beauty but to me you're the sun that lights up my world. The light that guides me through my darkest days. The strong pillar that helps me stand when my knees are weak. The steady flow of stream that helps me keep my mind calm. The gentle breeze of wind that helps me cool down. Zayn, you are my entire world. The reason I feel excited to wake up every morning and the reason I wanna slow down, be a little more responsible and live forever for.  Words could never express how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I don't know what I'd do without you and I no longer want to know what life feels like without you anymore. Will you please make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me my love?" Liam asked, his voice soft, sweet and sincere, meaning each and every word he said.

Zayn nodded frantically, eyes filled with happy tears "Yes, yes, yes! A billion times yes!" He said smiling.

Liam broke into a smile and slipped the diamond ring onto Zayn's finger before standing up and pulling Zayn into a sweet yet passionate kiss. The whole crowd erupted into cheers and cooed at the two.

A few minutes ago the stadium was filled with an eery silence filled with fear, anxiety, pain, worry and tears, and now, the very same stadium was filled with cheers of hope, joy, love and happy tears.

It sure was a day that would be marked in history and remembered by everyone for years to come.

Liam was then taken to the nearest hospital with the help of the ambulance where they checked Liam up and did the necessary treatment.

Zayn sat outside looking at the ring in his hand, a wide smile on his lips. He couldn't believe something in his life finally lasted, that he was finally loved unconditionally. He couldn't be happier. He now once again, had everything that he'll ever need and he couldn't wait to start this new chapter of his life with Liam.

(Alright before someone says it's "super fake", no it's not. It's taken from a real life incident. Those who watch F1 definitely know what I'm speaking about. For those who don't, you should definitely go watch Romain Grosjean's crash. It's definitely worth watching.)

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