Attack of the Tyrannosaurus

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Donovan paused, as he looked at the animal. Its head was fourteen feet off of the ground. Its scales were a molten red that mimicked blood. Its teeth were thick and bulky. Donovan froze as the animal blinked slowly, observing him. Donovan breathed thinly, unsure of what to do. The animal moved towards Donovan slowly, its feet leaving a deep imprint on the ground.

The animal moved in a cumbersome but graceful manner. It knew its bulk and knew how to use it. The animal opened its mouth slowly by a few degrees, and a hot jet of air filled the surrounding area. It washed over Donovan, who jerked his hand to cover his eyes. The animal froze, unhappy with the reaction. Donovan slowly moved his hand out of the way of his eyes. The pistol hanging low at his side.

The Tyrannosaur looked at him and moved again, circling Donovan slowly. He watched as the animal's leg muscles moved and rippled under its skin. Donovan watched the head and noticed how its jaw slowly opened up and closed. Donovan thought about it, and a single shot through its head should damage it. In a split second, he jerked the gun up and pulled the trigger. The Tyrannosaur's head moved slightly and then Donovan saw the bullet fall onto the ground.

A roar filled the area and then Donovan was flying. His side stung and burned as the nose of the Tyrannosaurus flung Donovan sideways. Donovan hit a tree, and he felt his ribs shatter. He flipped to the ground, holding his side. He felt the ground shake. Donovan felt a small force build on his back. Then he felt the dinosaur-oid's claws scrape his back.

The Tyrannosaur was stepping on him.

The weight grew and when Donovan felt pain build in his chest and he opened his mouth to scream the air exited his lungs forcefully and he felt his ribs shatter. Then suddenly the air was in his lungs and the weight was off his back. He took the air in a gasp as the pain washed over his body. He took in another breath and screamed. The ground shook and vibrated as one of the specialized spaceships landed. It was twenty feet long with a dual engine in the back. The engines glowed blue. The Tyrannosaur backed up from the ship as Johnathan ran out of the back door as the door lowered.

Johnathan paused and took in a breath, before raising a gun up to the Tyrannosaur's head and pulling the trigger. The animal screamed in shocked pain as it jerked its head away, blood running from its left eye. It shook its head and looked at Johnathan, painful rage fueling its gaze. A small growl exited the animal's lips and then it went into a full run, keeping its head ducked down to protect against the firearm.

Johnathan dive rolled to the right of the animal, just narrowly escaping the jaws. As the animal turned Donovan raised the pistol up and shot the animal thrice. The second bullet punctured the animal's eye, making it scream in rage as it violently shook its head, blood running down its face on both sides.

It paused as it stood still, Johnathan raised the shotgun up and shot the Tyrannosaur in the face again. It roared in vengeful fury and charged at Johnathan and then the forest behind the animal exploded.

The attacker was massive, another Tyrannosaur. Johnathan ran to Donovan as the larger Tyrannosaur, its head easily twenty feet off the ground, wrapped its jaws around the blinded Tyrannosaurus rex and flipped the rex on its back before ripping the veins out of the throat of the smaller Tyrannosaur. It had a distinct bloodstain around its mouth. It almost looked like the natural coloring of the animal's scales, but it was far from normal. The animal opened its mouth and roared at Donovan and Johnathan, as Johnathan kept dragging Donovan away.

Donovan and Johnathan entered the spaceship and the doors began to close as the larger rex lunged forwards, biting the ship on the right engine. The pilot shouted, "Initiating blaze." In that split second the engine jumped to life and a ball of fire scorched the Tyrannosaur's mouth. It let go of the ship and shook its mouth as the ship fled to home base.

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