Mission 5: Allosaurus

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Donovan felt the world shift, and then he was back on the island, this time, alone. He took a breath, he couldn't rely on anyone to save him, and he had to kill this Allosaurus on his own. He looked at his wrist map, he was on the northeastern side of the island, almost hitting the rough mountainous smaller island off the main island. The yellow dot showed that he was easily 560 feet away.

He began to make the progress toward the Allosaurus, as he noticed that two more yellow dots arrived slowly. Then the three dots began circling around each other. Then the dots clashed together and then two left. The yellow dot turned red. It was an apex specimen. Donovan smiled, he was gonna get his shot. The two yellow dots that ran away were run down by the red dot, and then one of the yellow dots vanished. It was killed by the apex specimen. Then the same fate was for the second yellow dot.

The apex specimen of the Allosaurus was at the tip of a plateau that was shaped like the Florida state, jutting off the side of the island. Donovan walked towards the plateau, his heart hammering. He counted his shells as he walked. Ten shells. He had reloaded and shot the gun over and over again in the firing range. He had the action of discharging the firearm and reloading it down to a fine art. 

As he got one hundred or so feet from the tip, he saw the Allosaurus. It was nine feet tall and muscular. Its head was tearing through the Allosaurus it had slain, eating the carcass. It was twenty-two feet long. Its long tail swayed as it tore through the fallen dinosaur. Donovan ruffled his nose, the animal was despicable.

Donovan raised the gun, lowering down onto his knee, and pulled the trigger. The right shell was fired, and the animal froze. Donovan almost swore, he had missed! He took in a deep breath and pulled the trigger again, and then it roared.

It ran straight at Donovan, not pausing as it ran. Donovan hit the lever, and the barrel of the gun bent down, the two empty shells discharging. Donovan quickly slid in two shells at once- a trick he had begged Timothy to teach him- and slid it back up. The Allosaurus was only forty or so feet away.

Donovan pulled the trigger again, missing the Allosaurus. It twisted its head to the side, opened up, and in a moment of desperation pulled both triggers at once.

The right shell tried to discharge again, leaving the shell bent, and the left shell fired straight into the open jaws. It fell and hit the ground, blood leaving several deep, small, holes inside its mouth. The Allosaurus' body was only twelve feet away. Donovan took in a slow deep breath and then noticed once again after slaying the animal the peculiar scent of sweat.

He began looking around, surely Giganto wasn't on this side of the island? Then he saw the ship flying by, Donovan smiled, no matter what he was going home! The ship landed, and Donovan ran in, hurried by his own phantoms as he feared a dinosaur trying to eat him.

Johnathan clapped and shouted over the roar of the engines, "Good job! An apex specimen!" Donovan barely had time to comprehend what Johnathan had said when the sound of a crash filled their ears, and the sound of the pilot screaming accompanied the sound.

Johnathan and Donovan ran to the source of the sound. It was a Dimorphodon, one of the flying lizards, that had crashed through the windshield, and was currently eating the pilot up. Blood began pooling and splashing around the cockpit, and Johnathan drew out a 370-PST, and shot the Dimorphodon, effectively killing it, and the ship.

Immediately the ship changed direction, and they were falling down. Donovan shouted, "Why are we falling down!"

He barely had enough time to ask that before they hit the solid ground, Donovan fell down, hit the back of his head, and was rendered unconscious.

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