~ Chapter 3 ~

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Y/N looked around during break, searching for the newest student. Finally, she found him in one of the empty classrooms, sitting on the desk and rummaging through his train backpack.

„Hey." She mumbled quietly.

„Hello." Enmu replied, looking up.

„Uhh... hi again! I am Y/N. I... uh... I am a class representative, so if you need help to explore surroundings, feel free to ask me anytime..."

„Anytime? Like... now?"

„You want to do it now? Sure." Y/N shrugged, nodding.

„Sooner the better, so I will not get lost and be late on the lesson, or anything." He answered, zipping his backpack and standing up to follow her.


The new student seemed pretty chill and easily approachable, despite menacing introduction. He was fairly chatty too, so Y/N did not have to struggle with thinking what to talk about.

„Can I see the library next? I wonder if they got any fun books about trains!" He ranted cheerfully as they walked.

They found Muzan in the library, reading books about science with a small frown.

„Good morning!" Enmu smiled, approaching him.

„I do not have time to show you around now." He glanced at Enmu before staring at his book again.

„That is fine. Class rep is showing me around. I just came for seeing if they have any fun books and approached you to say hi."

„Is that so?" Muzan frowned some more, glaring at them. „I did not get same treatment from her."

„Eh?!" Y/N raised her eyebrow. „Well, I was going to offer help, as any proper class representative would do, but I thought you did not need my assistance anymore, because Daki already insisted to help."

„Fair enough..." He mumbled, shrugging and disappearing behind his book.

Enmu placed his backpack on the table and began to look through shelves.

„Umm... break will end soon, shall we continue exploring building? Books can wait." Y/N said.

„Alright. Has anybody noticed any good books about trains, so far?" Enmu sighed.

„I have better things to do than looking for some books about trains." Muzan said with an eye roll.

„Err..." Y/N hesitated, not wanting to show that she was not overly enthusiastic about trains, „I do not think I have, but maybe someone took them and they are here now..."

Muzan raised his eyebrow at Y/N's obvious attempt of impressing Enmu, but he has not said anything.

They left the library, leaving Muzan alone with his book to continue exploring until break would end, then they hurried to the next lesson. Y/N sat down pretty far away from Enmu, because there were not two free seats left next to each other. Enmu took the free seat next to Giyu and Y/N walked towards her EX.

„You two returned at the same time, huh?" Douma raised his huge eyebrow as she sat down next to him, as usual (they sat next to each other most of the time, because you would not find many people, tolerating sitting next to clingy Douma).


„Were you together whole time?"

„What if we were? So nosy. Are jealous? We broke up a while ago." She teased.

„Maybe just a little, but mostly curious. I love Shinobu, you know. I already accepted your decision and moved on."

„I bet she would be glad, if you accepted her decision too."

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