~ Chapter 36 ~

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„So, what does it feel like? Getting dumped before you can even blink?" Daki smirked, approaching Y/N in the hallway. Looks like rumors about Muzan's leaving, finally reached her ears.

„Look who cannot get over her slut EX, even after he left. Poor you, still so bitter about it." Y/N yawned, walking past her and stepping inside a classroom.

She glanced at the empty seat next to Enmu, shrugging and sitting down next to him.

Y/N no longer feared that he would begin to rant about his crush: Now that Muzan broke up with Y/N, she could say that talking about her EX was a sensitive subject and politely ask Enmu to shut the fuck up, without appearing rude, or making her stinging jealousy obvious. She did not have to run away from him anymore, or stay and risk having a mental breakdown right in front of him.

Enmu seemed more cheerful, since Y/N stopped ignoring him, but he looked like deep down something was bothering him.

* * *

„What is wrong this time? Are you sad because he left?" Y/N questioned, taking a seat next to Enmu in the empty classroom. He did not show up in the cafeteria, so she decided to look for him and see if siblings came up with some nasty shit again.

„I am alright, I just... I used eye drops, because staying up late dried up my eyes."

„Eye drops, really? Alright. Where is the bottle?"

„It should be somewhere in my backpack... or did I put it in my pocket? Hmm... strange." Enmu yawned, placing his head on her shoulder, „I am so sleepy, I cannot continue searching further... Can you wake me up, once the lesson will begin?"

„Did you even sleep last night?" She sighed, wrapping her arms around him to prevent him from falling.

„Barely. I was dealing with Muzan's homework... he sent a few files for me to edit and send back."

„Whoa... even after fucking off, he is still treating you like a slave... Is he at least sending nudes, or are you doing it for free?"

„I thought at least you believed me, that I have not taken those pictures!"

„I know that Gyutaro did it; But I am also aware, how you feel about that guy..." Y/N paused, inhaling deeply to hide pain, „I guess it was a bad timing for a joke, too soon after that scandal... my bad. Forget it. I am socially inept. You have not changed your mind about staying, have you? After realizing that you are not ready to get over him, yet..."

She could feel her insides freezing, saying these words.

„No, never. I am not going to leave your side."

„Huh?!" Y/N blinked. Sure, they were friends, but they did not know each other that long and honestly, she was pretty shitty friend for dating his crush... he could not possibly be serious. He must have stayed because he was tired of an unrequited love... that or he finally took an interest in a guy, who could return his feelings. „You are joking, right? There has to be another reason."

Y/N was not sure, she wanted to know that reason. She did not want to imagine someone, touching him... why did she hate Muzan so much, again? She was going to miss that famous jerk a lot, after seeing Enmu, getting over his one–sided crush and meeting someone...

„There is not... You are the first friend I made here. It made me so happy. I am glad that you stopped ignoring me, though I would like to know why were you even ignoring me in the first place, or why did you stop it, so I would know, how to act to not upset you again, or how to make up for it, whenever you will get mad. I am happy to be with you, Y/N... I do not want to leave. I would not leave you for anything... ever."

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