~ Chapter 14 ~

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Next day, Y/N still could not believe what happened. Perhaps it was only a beautiful dream.

„What do you want me to do? Do You want anything Y/N? Y/N! Heeeey! Shoulder massage, maybe?"

„Can you just shut up for a second?" She sighed.

„Aw man. It is no fun, being your slave." Douma pouted.

„Slavery is not supposed to be fun."

„I have to disagree."

„What the fuck did you expect, anyway? Getting whipped?"

„Something like that..."

„Stupid pervert..." Y/N whined, walking away. Not sure where, she just needed to be away from Douma and his constant ranting. Maybe it would be better, if he was expelled. He was not letting her stay alone with her thoughts. Perhaps he thought, if he would still cling to Y/N after break up, she would deem that decision useless and get back to him.

„Watch where you are going!" Muzan scowled as she bumped into him.

„After you." Y/N hissed. She knew that it was her fault, but she disliked the guy and did not feel like missing the great opportunity to give him attitude.

Y/N was not sure why did she feel burning hatred when she saw Muzan. Not that if he never existed, Enmu would be into girls instead... but at least she would not meet him... was it what she really wanted? Maybe she envied celebrity even more, after tasting the sweetness of her crush's touch and knowing she would have a chance to experience it daily, if she were him. Either way, just a tiny provocation from Muzan was enough for her ticking rage bomb to explode. She would gladly kick his balls right now. Or elbow his stomach, maybe. Fuck. She was becoming a lot like Gyutaro, throwing envious fits whenever he saw Tengen. Y/N had it worse. At least Gyutaro was generally envious of Tengen's luck, he was not specifically after any of his girlfriends. One–sided love felt far worse.

„It is not easy to notice someone your size..."

„Aw, was celebrity boy blinded by all those flashing cameras?" She sneered. Not many nerds were picking on the popular students, but here she was, teasing him.

„What did you say?!" He frowned, stepping closer to her, backing her into a wall.

„Want me to talk louder? I guess you were deafened by applause... man, fame sure ruined your health..."

„Do you have any problem with me?" Muzan trapped her against a wall, staring down at her with his eyes narrowed.

„You are my problem! Umm... watch where you are going next time..." Y/N unsuccessfully tried to get away.

Would Enmu side with Muzan, if he saw her insulting his precious idol? She wondered. That thought made her even more furious. She did not realize her fists were clenched, until her nails painfully poked into her palms.

„You are not leaving until you apologize to me. No one talks to me like that!"

„Whoa, whoa! Just who the fuck do you think you are? You might be used to being idolized, but I do not give a damn about the amount of your social media followers and stuff like that, you mean nothing to me, less than a dirt, now get out of my way, before I will make you."

„Not until you will learn some manners."

„What are you going to do, punch me? Go for it and I will make you regret it for the rest of your life..."

„No, but you are not getting anywhere until you apologize."

„Oh? Well, let us see how long it takes until you will need to retreat."

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