coming to leader academy

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First off I would just like to state that I am not a alpha beta or gamma I have much more powerful

But my appearance is severely deceiving and you would never know how much power i really have inside of me

You would never know how destructive this power is and how many it could hurt if it ever went out if control

But we are bonded and I help it to keep control even it fears what could happen and what it would do without someone to help it keep control

When the seer randomly selects you to come to leader academy you dont have any choice

Becayse you have to come regardless of whether or not you want to come its not a choice and they will find you

So you can't run or hide from them the best you can do is die or lose your powers

I cant lose these powers I tried when I was younger to lose the power

But it killed the cousin of the most powerful vampire the third time the first time it killed the most powerful elder and the second time it killed the third most powerful high priestess I tried to ask the most powerful

But she wouldn't do it because she feared me and my power

The family members and other high priestess witnessed the attempt with the most powerful vampires cousin they wanted to see it happening in person

They couldnt handle the power they couldnt contain it and it refused to bond with them it is too powerful for anyone it deems not fit or worthy

Also if they have evil or deceitful intentions and plans it won't bond with them it knows your true nature and intentions it always has and it always will

I cant fully explain what it is no one would ever understand they can't possibly understand

They would think its a monster and evil

But its not it never means to kill anyone  they tried to help

But they couldn't handle or contain it whatever it is was never meant for them to have so it destroyed them never meaning to

I don't know what it is I have no guesses or clues as to what it is there is no information in any of the books I have ever read in my whole entire life nothing is known about it

I have never been able to know anything about what it is that is living inside of me it is not any wolf that is known even in books decades old even a couple that are hundreds of years old listing rare wolves

But if it isn't a wold then what is it where did it come from exactly and us there a reason behind why the power killed them and why it chose me out of every human and supernatural being it could have chosen

Back to the present now I am being taken to leader academy for betas gammas and alphas to learn everything about thier positions in the pack thier responsibilities and how to fulfill them for the pack

Ever alpha thier lead gamma and top  beta all come here from every pack worldwide to be prepared for thier pack positions

I have two wolves a beta wolf and a delta wold and then there is the unknown supernatural being living inside of me

I don't know how to find out what it is either so its one giant dead end i don't want to go to leader academy

If I had a choice I wouldn't be going here I don't belong here I don't want to be here and I don't want to attend classes here either

The creature inside of me whatever it is has never hurt anyone and expresses all the time it doesn't want to hurt it wouldn't defend its self unless it had too

I know people will think its a monster

But it's not evil or a monster its good happy honest and caring it would never hurt anyone ever

But now let me tell you more about the history of this huge academy set in a really old castle of the mysterious family who founded the school and built the castle years ago

But then just suddenly vanished in to thin air with out any explanations what so ever it was thought they were dead for also long

But there was proof of life delivered though people close to them very very few people and not very often

But it was proof they were alive and well and just not wanting to be seen in public for some mysterious reason unknown to everyone else

There were rumors someone abducted one if the family members child

But no one could confirm this so it was deemed just a rumor no one could even confirm who's child the rumors was about

The school is almost three hundred student rooms and three rooms for guards and butlers for the students I find it completely ridiculous and over doing it honestly by a lot

But that's just my opinion I don't know thier daily life or what goes on in thier daily lives so I can't really say why

But thats the opinion I firmed based on what I see hear and know

Especially because the school already has at least a dozen security measures in places the best of the best security measures to protect everyone

It has the usual teachers lounge students lounge student kitchen cafeteria huge library student rooms teachers rooms gym rooms for different clubs to meet in some of the clubs share the same rooms they ran out of spare rooms

In total there is a little over seven hundred rooms

Each teacher teaches at least two cases the same subject four times a day teaching a total of eight classes two different subjects

This is it the school is in sight just a few more miles to go before we get to the school and my new life even if I just want my life to stay the way it used to be

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