time for love

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A little over three months later

Lately I have been making a few more friends and have developed on crush on the anti-social kids who avoid me do much

After we finally had a few small interactions

Even though they were very brief and shirt interactions I don't know why

But I started to develop feelings fir them and it quickly turned into a crush now I intentionally go up to them and try to get them to talk to me and gave a conversation

I really want to have longer conversations and for them to actually answer some questions about themselves that I really want to know

But they are all so secretive about themselves there is something else that gas been going on lately

A lot of the students have been getting really really violently sick like getting nautious vomiting bleeding from the eyes nide and mouth feeling dizzy and passing out things like that

A few of them ended up in a coma luckily none of them died we are really happy about that

Mystery is angry upset worried and nervous about this saying it seems familiar to something we had read about

Mystery told me to look in a whole huge list of books and finally we found it

But then a huge problem cane up when we were trying to use the cure from the pages in the book about the magical Disease we thought it was

The problem that came up was that it was an extremely altered strain of the disease we were trying to cure so thier bodies rejected the cure that we had made

So we had to alter the cure until we found one that chred the disease and eventually we had cured the strain entirely and everyone wanted to know about it including alpha noble vampire King Villaria fae queen Marcella and dragon king Raines

(Gage snow) all we know is its definitely a magical Disease its spread by touch and bodily fluids like sweat blood tears things like that we know that it was altered a lot but we were able to find a cure that wiped out this strain at least for now we don't know who released or why and we don't know if they are planning something else but we do know they either have magic or are forcing witches to use thier magic for evil actions and magic  like this thats really all we know at this point

They all looked pleased with my answers smiling and nodding along as I told them all of the information we have right now

(Fae queen Marcella) so do you know to find who did this

(Gage snow) well first start with tracking the scent that the magic has and having witches attempt to trace the origin and figure out who didnt do this then after they are eliminated as the ones who caused this we will make a list of everyone who still could have done this

(Alpha noble) so any updates on the creature i believe you named mystery a very fitting name

(Gage snow) yes that is his nane and a few books have talked about possible creatures but more research revealed they were not they not the same creature as Mystery so no sisters yet and we have almost looked through all of the books here and we have started looking at museum books to so we still have a chance to find answers

(Dragon king Raines) thank you for curing the students

(Gage snow) it wasn't just me it was several others to so it was a team effort were just glad that everyone is alive and recovering now

(Principle summers) so are you going to be at the dance to celebrate this Friday

(Gage snow) honestly with everything going on i haven't thought about it at all it didn't seem to cross my mind when it was announced we were still focusing on the students it was announced after they were chred but they are still recovering and won't be fully better for a couple of days so they will be fully better by Friday but I might go I just don't have a date yet I will try to find one before then but there isnt much time to find one

They all smile I leave and head back to my room today we do not have classes

Because of the students getting sick with the disease and the fear that more students would get sick and we were focusing on stopping the disease from spreading curing the students and thier recovery

So I decide im going to ask out the four guys I have had my eyes on and just hope they either say yes or let me down gently while also not making fun of me or turning against me

I walked up to jax bryant Gabriel and rapheal to ask them something I was both excited and terrified to ask them

(Gage snow) h..hi umm I I uh was wondering if you guys h...had dates yet to the d...dance m..maybe you would w..want t..to go with m..me

Why am I shuddering like this right now I had not done this before even around them I have never been so nervous in my entire life

They smirked i felt sad already like they were going to laugh at me I felt tears running down my face I started to walk away before one of them grabbed my arm and pulled me into him

I was shocked by this and what he did next he kissed me and we jet kissing until the others wanted turns and I gladly let them take turns kissing me

(Jax) of course we would love to go with you snowball 🌨❄☃️

I blushed 😊🤗🥰☺ really hard at the nickname why were they so cold to me before the seemed the complete opposite of what I thought of them before

They headed off to somewhere else and pi went back my room and kept busy reading mostly until getting ready fir bed and showering then turning off the lights and going to sleep snuggled in me bed

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