A Friend's Research

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  Since their first "bonding Day", the two roommates have gotten a lot better with each other. Michael has been teaching Ennard about other 'dry chores', how to organize supplies, what supplies are needed for what, and even the regular things like 'why we can't make too much noise somewhere'. Their bond grows stronger through the following months, watching as the leaves slowly fall to the sudden topic of snow! Ennard always asks questions, but Michael understands that they never got to know these things before - even when Michael may seem agitated with the constant interrogations. Ennard - as promised - has followed through with their word, even when things have gotten difficult. The two rarely fight, but Ennard supposed that that's just what everyone does. They're right to think so, but they're still learning with Michael. Forgiveness has never been closer, even with their bad Days! Nothing can stop the roommates as they learn more about their surroundings and growing relationship from enemies to friends! It is now Winter, though the household has been very quiet since their fun just the Day prior.

  Hot water poured from the showerhead, a light hum mixing with the droplets of water that splattered on the shower floor. Michael carefully washed his hair, though a smile had shown on his face as the water seemingly shattered the stiff feeling in his bones from the snow earlier. His hums grew louder as he bathed, though the action wasn't on his mind, at the moment. 'Ennard has been doing so well these past couple of months!' 'I'm already so proud of them!' Michael happily thought as his smile grew, already washing his rotting skin that he hid from the rest of the world. 'I just love how easily fascinated he is!' 'He's like a kid in a candy store, I swear!' Michael thought again, playfully laughing to his own humor. He carefully sighed as the water hit his back, easing any tension he may have had earlier. 'He is so-' Suddenly something landed in front of Michael, causing him to shriek in panic. Ennard paused, seemingly - just as - shocked as Michael himself, though, now Michael has more reason to panic than the initial jumpscare. "E-Ennard! Why are you in here, the water is everywhere!" Michael quickly called, almost turning off the water. However, Ennard carefully grabbed his wrist, only hearing the bot's laughter vibrate the floor as he turned to face them.  "Sorry, Micheal! I wanted to show you my water-proof shield! You can't even see it! How cool is that, huh?" Ennard excited chirped, finally calming Michael's nerves as the two watched the water splash onto Ennard's unharmed wires., bringing Michael instant comfort. Michael carefully sighed, holding his chest that could no longer beat. "God, Ennard; You had me so worried! Though, I am still upset that you came in here without asking me, first..." Michael coolly spoke, puffing his cheek as Ennard laughed again before taking their hand back. "Oh - I'm sorry - Michael! I do find this better than just watching you, though!" Ennard casually commented, only causing Michael's Deep Blues to widen with shock. "W-wait, you what?! Why would you do that?! You can't just watch people as they shower, Ennard!" Michael anxiously countered, his face flushing a deep purple, though that didn't alarm Ennard - thankfully. They just waved their hands by their chest, being careful not to hurt the human with them. "Calm down, Michael! I walk around naked all the time! Although, I've been wondering why you don't do that. Is it because of the rotting corpse thing, or...?" Ennard coolly asked, though they seemed hesitant at the end. Michael's body stiffened, even with the hot water pouring onto him. 'He's still upset about that...' Michael cautiously thought, gently nibbling his lower lip. He took a shaky breath before holding Ennard's hand, feeling the appendage gently entangle his. Michael carefully sighed before returning back to Ennard's gaze, whom seemed pretty calm for their situation. 'Then again, there's times where it is hard to tell what he is feeling...' Michael carefully thought before focusing on the present once more. "Ennard, humans don't - normally - walk around naked. They see it as rude, more than anything." Michael tried to calmly explain, though his cheeks were still slightly flushed from the topics at hand. Ennard slowly nodded before tilting their head. 'Typical Ennard.' Michael coolly thought before sighing as he shook his head. "Anyway, you did a good job with the shield, Ennard; I'm proud." Michael calmly spoke, a proud smile forming on his rotting features. Ennard's eyes shown pride and joy before they carefully took their hand back, only to quickly jump up into the ceiling. Michael watched the spot for a moment longer before going back to his shower, noticing the water start to turn cold. 

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