The Joys of Creation

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  'I still don't understand it...' Michael quizzically thought as he shut the door behind him, carefully locking it as he carried the bags in his other hand. 'How have I been missing my clothes for the past couple of weeks?' 'This is the third time now that I had to go to the store for more!' Michael agitatedly thought before taking a deep breath as he began to walk forward, feeling the bags of clothing hit the side of his layered leg. He quickly noticed how Ennard didn't greet him like they usually did, whether it'd be by a playful jumpscare or just them sitting and waiting for his return. 'Odd for them not to be here...' 'Maybe they're off with my clothes, too...' Michael coolly thought, though snickered at the thought of Ennard taking his clothes. 'As probable as that may sound, I highly doubt they would really do anything with my clothes.' 'Besides, the fabric wouldn't fit someone of their height, anyway.' Michael jokingly thought, a small smile creeping onto his features as he made it to the last step before walking through the small hallway, only passing few doors before his destination became clear. 'Though - now that I think about it - what has Ennard been doing with their "busy schedule"...?' 'It's not like them to burrow so quietly like this...' Michael curiously thought, only biting his cheek before shrugging the rest of the way to his room. 'I know they're not doing anything bad, since we made our promise.' 'Though, I'm sure they'll turn up soon, like my missing clothes.' Michael jokingly thought again, a playful grin rocking his rotting features. Once Michael made it in his door, he quietly shut it before turning around to see his room. 'My bed on the right wall, the nightstand next to it, a mirror by the other wall with the bathroom door next to it, and my closet on the wall closest to the entryway.' 'Everything is still the same...' Michael coolly thought before he quietly sighed, slowly walking towards his neutrally colored bed. There, he set the bags next to the nightstand, quickly removing his shirt as he noticed his 'sleepwear' sitting on his pillow. 'Honestly, who needs pants for bed?' 'I sure as Hell don't.' Michael coolly thought, though a yawn escaped his hoarse lips before he slipped on the oversized shirt that he bought a few years back, still surprised with how it fit. 'That's nice, though about the new clothes...' Michael sorely thought before looking back at the bags, their plastic exterior barely hiding the colors within. 'They do need put away...' Michael tiredly thought before another yawn escaped his lips, though he kept his gaze firm. He stared for a moment longer before rolling his eyes, the Deep Blues barely fixing themselves as he swayed a little to sleep. 'Fuck it.' 'I'll just organize everything in the morning...' Michael tiredly thought before lifting his blankets, already missing their sweet comfort for his - much needed - rest.

  However, a loud bang erupted behind him, causing Michael to shriek before turning towards the figure that burst through his door. "Michael! Look what I did!" The figure's deep voice had joyously called, though - to Michael's knowledge - he had never met this person before. The figure was a male, standing at 6' 2" tall, which resembled Ennard, whom Michael hadn't heard from in a while. Though, the figure had light brown flesh with lighter patches appearing anywhere on their body, unlike the animatronic he knew. They had heterochromia, one eye being a Baby Blue, while the other was an Emerald Green. Their hair was a Crimson color, though short in style as the dim light gave it - almost - an Auburn complexion. They appeared to only be wearing underwear, though - sadly for Michael - it didn't seem to fit the tall figure, only strengthening certain aspects of the fabric around them. Michael practically paled in front of the figure, whom still stood joyous and proud by his bedroom door, seemingly unaware of the situation at hand. "Who the Hell are you...?" Michael cautiously called, watching the figure give a confused smile, as though nothing were wrong. "Michael - it's me - Ennard!" The figure happily chirped, though Michael kept his cautious distance, only continuing to feel off from someone else mentioning the animatronics' name. 'Ennard...?' 'Is this guy serious?' 'How do they knew about Ennard...?' 'Father never told anyone, besides Uncle Henry and I...!' Michael quizzically thought before taking a step forward, though it was a hesitant one as the male before him noticed. The figure carefully sighed with the same smile still remaining plastered on their differently colored features, seemingly without much of a care in the world. "Okay, Michael. I know that I didn't tell you about the project I've been working on, but this is why I didn't tell you...! I didn't want you to freak out about what I had to do to get this far..." The figure nervously chirped, holding their hands together in a steady grip, causing Michael to pause. 'What does he-' Michael froze, remembering why Ennard was 'avoiding' him. 'Busy schedule, a surprise to see, may take a while...' Michael carefully covered his chapped lips, his Deep Blues widening with sudden realization. 'Oh my God...' Michael numbly thought before suddenly rushing towards the figure, until they stood face to face. "Ennard, that's really you...! How did you-? Why did you-?" Michael nervously croaked, his voice merely giving out for each question he called for. Though, Ennard only chuckled, giving Michael a view of real emotions on his - rather dazzling - features. 'Holy shit...' Michael softly thought as he silently watched Ennard's facial features more than anything else, which had surprised the rotting male. "Geez - Eggs - I didn't think you'd be so flabbergasted about it...! Next time, I'll warn you; I promise!" Ennard truthfully spoke, holding his right hand over his chest, right where his heart would be. Michael remained still, though his mind was slowly coming back to normal. 'He did it...' 'He - actually - did it...!' Michael quickly thought, though the questions from before still swam fresh in his mind, seemingly unable to give him the chance of joy just yet. "Ennard, how did you do this...? What did you even need for it? Y'know what - don't answer that second question; I think it's best that I don't know." Michael curiously spoke, only to hear Ennard's chuckle once more. "It's a long story, really. But, I built this form so I can actually experience Life outside with you, instead of just asking so many questions and constantly dreaming about it. It wouldn't have been fair for either of us, anyway. Plus, you did tell me that it was possible to artificially create a Human, so why not give it a chance?" Ennard endearingly spoke, causing Michael's Deep Blues to widen - once more - with surprise, several emotions even more visible in the dim bedroom.

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