maggie screams loudly, dropping the clothes on the floor. tears are quick to find her eyes, as she blinks twice to see that she's seeing what's actually in front of her.

this couldn't be right. she had to be dreaming. there was no way this was real. this must be a nightmare. but it surely wasn't.

"finneas!" maggie screams, slowly backing away from the bloody bathroom. wet tears streaming down her face.

finneas is quick to turn off the TV, as he runs down the stairs from his room, hearing the sound of his mother freaking him out enough. when he came down the stairs, he couldn't help but gag.

it was the most sickening thing he had ever seen. and surely a sight he never hoped to see. "call 911! now!" he couldn't take his eyes off her.

billie was laying on the floor, blood all over her chest. her hair was wet, and sticking to her forehead. her wrists were full of blood.

there was a tiny letter beside her. only reading the words. i can't be without her anymore. be breaks out a sob.

maggie burst out crying, a gag coming from her before she threw up on the floor. she was so dizzy. the bathroom floor was now both red and green.

finneas snapped out of it, and rushed into the kitchen to grab his phone. he was quick to call 911, and get them over to the house.

maggie felt as if her whole world was stopping. before she tore her eyes off billie's dead body on the floor.

but there was one special thing about the body laying on the floor. there was a small smile on her lips, because now she could finally be reunited with the one she loves the most.

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