12. Die For You

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"And how do we know her exactly?"

"She's my, uh, family friend but we call her my cousin. She's basically like my third cousin."

"Another third cousin? Fucking hell, Mo. You've said that about every family friend on this trip."

She feigned a smile at the decked out stranger who held the door open for the newly engaged couple, and she tightened her hold on his hand. "Shukran." Mona thanked the kind stranger, before walking inside as the commotion became louder.

"How long are we gonna be here for? I wanna get back to the hotel room so I can get you out of that fucking dress already, hayati."

Her face was bright red, placing a firm hand on his chest as she looked over at him. "You promised you'd behave."

"Believe me, I am behaving." He muttered, catching her waist before she could move away and dipping his head low. "If I wasn't, I'd tell you that I want to fuck you right here right now."

"Baby, stop it... we barely made it here on time, we can't just leave now." She warned in a hush tone, turning her head fast enough before he could kiss her.

A scream broke the sexual tension apart."There you are, Mo-Mo! You came!"

A stunning woman in an all cream abaya with a matching hijab was walking towards the two, her eyes skimmed over her supposed cousin and landed on him- more specially the thawb he was wearing.

The two women embraced in a short yet sweet hug, and Mona was back on his arm in seconds as he stood there waiting.

Clearing her throat awkwardly, she introduced them properly. "Farah–Heath. Heath–Farah."

What an introduction, he thought, holding back the eye roll.

"Mashallah! Both of you look beautiful together, is this the famous Heath I have been waiting to meet?"

Mona flushed a crimson shade as the entertained man let out a throaty chuckle. Famous, he certainly liked the sound of that.

He greeted the woman with kind eyes and said, "I've heard so much about you." Lie, "you seem to be Mona's favourite cousin so you're a favourite of mine by default."

"Oh, really now." Farah said playfully, giving the girl a look that called bullshit. "Tell me, Heath, how exactly did she say we were related again."

"Third cousins."

"Hmm. I see. Not quite cousins, but aunt. I'm her mother's oldest sister, the same one she's been hiding from ever since she arrived back home. Isn't that right, habibti?"

Just like that, Mona let out a depleted huff. She barely glanced over at him before looking at her aunt with a guilty expression. "That's not true, Auntie. There have been too many gatherings for me to attend to, and I haven't had the time to see you yet. But I'm here now, you know I would never purposely ignore you."

"Right. So it has nothing to do with the fact that you are scared to introduce me to your soon-to-be husband?"

"Of course not!"

That was exactly what it was but she didn't want to go into it. Her comment was enough to spark his curiosity however, and he was letting go off her waist and stepping towards the older woman in no time.

"You know what, Farah. I think we should get to know each other better without the unnecessary audience. Who knows what important things your niece will forget to mention to me."

Taking his arm, she gave him a polite nod. "Yes, indeed. We should begin with her embarrassing childhood stories, I have one that you will absolutely love. Did you know little Miss. Mo-Mo used to love farting?"

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