17. Family

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Thanksgiving. It wasn't a holiday that she had celebrated before coming to the states, and one that took her a few times to understand. To Mona, it was a weekend to eat a lot of home cooked meals and for her best friend and her closet cousin to visit in the year.

She didn't think the history of thanksgiving could be celebrated in her household when it had such a dark undertone to it. It was taught as a one-sided history lesson where entire ethnic groups were cut out from, she had read into it enough to know that she couldn't agree with celebrating it.

However, since it was a national holiday, people often took the following Friday off too to make it a four day weekend. That is also why her cousin agreed to stay in the first place.

Her best friend, Elif and cousin Noor were all the same age, and had grown up together. They did everything from walk, talk, go to school, see each other get married. You name it, they never missed a milestone however big or small.

His tall frame was engulfed by the petite hijabi at the door who greeted him and then the straight haired brunette was next. She continued to toss the tomato salad when the muffled voices became louder.

"Look at this fool, she only sees us once in a year and she's too busy fussing over making everything look nice!" Noor, the hijabi and her cut-throat cousin tutted.

It was soon followed by the raspy tone voice. "Hello, Miss. Mo-Mo? Yoo hoo! Yalla, habibti, you shouldn't make your guests wait!"

"Guys, you're here!" Mona dropped her bowl down on the island and let out a happy squeal running towards the two women. They accepted the hug as she started to gush over how much she missed them and how happy she was to see them.

Heath was busy putting the suitcases into the nearby closet for now, before he made his presence known.

"If that's everything, I'm off now." He called out hesitatingly, she merely brushed him off with a wave of her hand.

Bless him. The poor thing had been her helper all morning, preparing the authentic Arabic feast and she could care less that he was leaving without a serving.

"Hold on! Where are you going?" Her best friend scolded, snapping her head around to face him. "You cannot leave without staying and eating with us, Mona tell him."

Oh, she did. But not anything close to what she wanted to hear.

"Uh, yeah no, about that. Heath's not feeling well so he's gonna miss out on the food and well, the whole weekend. It's gonna be a girls weekend, did I forget to mention that?!" She said in false joy, but it seemed the two women started to look back and forth between the couple and then Noor shook her head in disbelief.

He offered another head nod, avoiding Mona's eyes and looking anywhere but.

"Ya allah, what did he do? Please don't tell me you two have broken up." A dramatic gasp fell from her lips, causing the unfazed woman to groan.

Ding, ding, ding, and we have a winner.

She wanted to be shocked that they could read the room so easily, however, she knew she would be able to guess the same if it was the other way around.

"Khalas! Let us go sit down and you can explain everything." The tall brunette looked at him, and a disappointed but mean expression covered her disregard. "And you, you useless himaar, you can get out since I know by the look on my sister's face that this is all your fault."

He couldn't even be mad at her reasoning, figuring she was right.

He opened his mouth to say, "If this is the last time we communicate, then I have to say it now, it's always a pleasure to see you girls. You make Mo so happy." That was his way of trying to mend the awkwardness, his ex-wife and her seething loved ones was not really where he wanted to be right now.

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