19. Belly Dancer

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"I missed you, hayati,"

The Palestinian pushed her lip out, retrieving the white roses from his hands and taking them.

She had been cleaning the study room when he neared her with a box of her favourite chocolates and fresh roses.

Her nose brushed against the petals, taking in a deep breath. The corner of her lips twisted a little, a small smile peeking through.

Never one to be predictable, he didn't see her throwing the flowers on the floor and stomping on them in a million years.

With a pleased huff, she grabbed the box of chocolates and opened them up. She ate them in an unhurried manner, whilst he stared at her incredulously.

"Really? You couldn't just say you didn't want them?"

"But then it wouldn't have been so freaking hilarious, you should have seen the look on your face." She tilted her head back, cackling. "Ah, timeless."

"You mean priceless, baby."

She mocked him with a sardonic grin. "English isn't my first language, baby."

"I can tell, baby." He answered with ease. "Remind me to bring over a dictionary next time."

Her mouth fell agape, she debating throwing a chocolate at his head but then decided against it. She couldn't waste such a treat on him.

"I would ask how you got in, but something tells me I don't want to know." She mused out loud, making him smirk slightly.

"Don't try and make it seem like it's worse than it is, you never got the locks changed and I never got rid of my key." He implored openly.

She knew that. She just wanted to make him sound deranged for her own enjoyment.

"So you say." Mona set the treats down on the table, and he found himself taking in the sight of old cd's and dvd's.

She was attempting to clear out the junk and donate whatever she no longer used.

"What's going on here anyway? You tryna have a junk yard sale or something?" He asks, his low voice filling her ears.

She smiled widely at his brilliant guess. "Exactly that. I am so sick of it being a cluttered mess in here every time I want to find a photo album or my old coin belt."

He seemed confused by her latter comment and she rolled her eyes, fishing through one of the boxers and bringing the noisy wrap around coin belt.

He still seemed lost, his grumble leaving his throat. "You showing me that isn't gonna magically remind me."

Her face dropped, seemingly upset by his lack of knowledge. "It's my belly dance skirt, remember when I used to go to classes in Chicago back when we first got together?"

"Oh shit. Yeah, why did you stop again?"

Was he being serious?

She could tell he had no clue what she was talking about.

Heath received another resentful reaction as she grabbed the belt in annoyance and shoved it back into the box.

This time he opened his lips again. "I didn't mean it like that, my memory is shit with stuff like this."

"When's my birthday? Or did you forget that too when you were balls deep in your girlfriends pussy?"

He groaned at her outlandish and somewhat unfair jest. "Mo, don't do that. I forgot one thing, big fucking deal."

"It is a big deal! I loved belly dancing and I used to show you every night, how could you forget that?" Mona angrily spat, moving to pull the belt out and give it another hard stare.

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