Melvinborg x Reader

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Thank you so much  CupioWaffles for this request. I hope you enjoy this, and sorry for the wait.
Also, incase you don't know

Melvinborg's Pov
I woke up to the alarm clock I had installed on my robotic side. I got out of bed in a particularly good mood. That's because in only a few weeks me and Y/N would be living in the same house!

Shortly after I became principal of Melvin Sneedly elementary, I met Y/N at the pastery restaurant. They were a quite intelligent young adult who had just quit their job. When they told me about it, I offered them a job at my school. It wasn't something I'd normally do, but the person and their attitude about life fascinated me. They accepted the offer, and they started working as a science teacher for my younger selve's class. We grew closer over that time, and soon grew feelings for eachother. One day, Y/N unexpectedly asked me out on a date. I said yes, and the rest in history.
We are pretty deep into our relationship at this point, but we still don't live in the same house. But that's going to change soon. Y/N's planning on moving into my house, and today I'm going over to their house today to help them pack.

I quickly have breakfast, then I brush my teath and change my clothes. I rush outside and jump in my car before texting to Y/N.

Me:Hey, I'm on my to your house. I'll be there in about 15 minutes (9:32 am)

N/N:Ok, thanks for the heads up (9:34 am)

I found it a bit weird that they didn't respond right away, but quickly shrugged it off.

Y/N's Pov
I cough violently and flop onto my matress. I felt awful. I was coughing non-stop, my nose is all stuffy, I was tired as hell, and my throat was burning. It was like taking a quick gulp of sprite when you first get it. God, being sick is the worst.  I let out a few more coughs before I heard my phone make a ping sound . I spent  about a minute debating on whether or not I should check it before quickly snatching it off my bedside table. I opened it up to see one text message.

Borg: Hey, I'm on my way to you house, I'll be there in about 15 minutes (9:32 am)

I groan. Shit, I completley forgot about the moving. I texted back.

Me:Ok, thanks for the heads up (9:34 am)

I sludge out of bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I am not going to postpone this. The sooner I pack all of my things, the better. Borg is really excited about me moving in, and I am not going to make him wait longer.
I tiredly make my way to my living room, greeted by two suitcases and some boxes. Maybe I should start packing a bit before he gets here. I thought to myself. I took some clothes out of my closet and shoved them into my suitcase. I then put my fictional books in one box and my science/history books in another.


I am so fucking tired. Maybe I should just take a nap before Borg gets here. Yeah, I'll just do that. I slumped to the couch and imedietly collapsed.

Melvinborg's Pov
When I got to Y/N's house I stepped out of my car and knocked on their door. No answer. Huh, that's not right. I text them to let them know I'm here. No response. Worry bubbles over me so I use the keys that they gave me. I open the door to see a tired Y/N sleeping on the couch. I walked closer to them. They looked worryingly tired. They had eyebags and an unconscious look of discomfort on their face. I slightly nudged  them.
"N/N? N/N wake up!"
Their eyes fluttered open, still looking increadibly uncomfortable. "Huh?" They slowly start to sit up straight before turning to look at me. "Oh, hey Borg-" They say with a raspy voice before getting interupted by a fit of coughs.
I looked at them and sighed. They were sick. Why didn't they tell me?
"Well, I don't want to keep you waiting!" They say, trying to sound as energetic as possible. "Let's get packing!" They get up and start to walk away before I pull them into my lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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