First classes and Hogsmeade {Edited}

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This a redo for this chapter.


The first week at Hogwarts was going great. Diana and her friends had been able to talk with Minerva, who told them that the cup was found the the Goblins was going to destroy the soul peace without damaging the cup. They also made sure to keep in contact with the people they became friends with.

Diana has noticed that Sirius is trying to get close to her. She just didn't know if it was right for this to go further. He is her godfather in the future. She still needed to talk to Professor McGonagall about it. She talked to Ron about it already, and he told her that they are in the past and that things are different now. She can love who she wants. This helped her a lot, and she thanked Ron. He was like an older brother to her, and they had a strong sibling bond.

Hermione didn't like the idea, though. She kept thinking about Sirius' flirting habitats. She didn't want her friend to get hurt, and she knew Sirius could hurt her. Diana didn't know what to think, and that's why she would ask Professor McGonagall and see what she said.


Sirius had gotten a bit closer to Diana after a few more weeks. They worked together in Ancient Ruins. They had worked well together, and Sirius learned a bit about her. He didn't push too much because he could tell Diana lost someone really special to her. He just hoped she would come around eventually.

Remus helped his friend a bit as well. He wanted him and Diana to be happy, and he knew they would be happy together. He also talked with Diana to see where she is coming from, and he could tell the same thing as Sirius. Sirius learned from Ron that Diana used to be with a guy who liked pranks as well and that she lost him in an attack.

Sirius is planning to be careful, and he told Remus to get a bit of help. He at first didn't know that he would feel so strong about a girl. He just felt a connection to her, and he spent a lot of time just figuring out what that was. He knew it wasn't in a family kind of way or a friend kind of way. He could also feel that he didn't care about the other girls like before. Diana had become the only girl he noticed.

When Sirius talked to Ron about Diana, that was one of the things he told him. Ron could tell that was what Sirius really felt. He felt like he could trust Sirius with Diana and that his sister would be safe. Sirius had also come to terms with the fact that he was looking for love and someone to love him for him, and he found the one who would do just that.


Diana grew close to Lily and her friends. She felt so happy to be so close to her mother. Diana knew she would always be a Potter, but she doesn't just have Potter in her. She has Granger, and she looks more like Hermione. She loves her family and friends with all her heart.

Diana has gotten a bit closer to her father after a few more days. She was nervous to also have to be hanging out with the others. She hoped McGonagall could help her with what she should do. When she did ask her at the end of a class. McGonagall told her,
"I think you should follow your heart. Some of the things that happened in your future won't happen this time around. I think you just have to take a chance and see how things go."

This helped Diana, and she hugged her favorite professor, who hugged back with a smile. She told Ron, and he agreed with what McGonagall said. Diana would first see what happens with Sirius and how he treats her. Diana agreed to go with Sirius to Homemade when he asked, and she would go with Ron and Hermione the next time.

Diana and Lily studyed together with Remus and sometimes with Severus. Diana got to know him better, and she felt that she could save him and show him why being on the dark side isn't the right side.


"This is cool! You are amazing with Charms." Said Stella as she saw Diana had made butterflies fly out of her wand. She blushed when Professor Flitwick awarded Ravenclaw 20 points. The other Ravenclaw's cheered for her as well.

"Nice Diana." Said Sirius from across from her table. She blushed more and looked away. Stella giggled at her friend, and they all had a good rest of the class. They then headed out to their next class. Diana headed to Ancient Ruins, and Sirius walked with her.

Sirius snickered as he was walking backward. She looked over at him with a riced eyebrow and looked behind them, too. She saw an older Slytherin who had blue hair and the younger one rushing off. She giggled at the fact that Crapp had blue hair. She had never liked his family ever since she first saw him.

Sirius looked at her in surprise. He didn't know that she thought their pranks were funny. She never showed that she liked them or not. Diana noticed Sirius smiling at her, and she blushed and looked away. She continued to walk to their next class, trying to calm her blush.

Sirius ran after her and didn't say anything, but he is even happier about the prank, and he would tell the others when he saw them next. They soon arrived and then headed to their seats. Sirius sat next to Diana again, and he never wanted to have a different partner besides Diana.


Diana had a good time at Homemade when they could go. The stores were different from her time. She had a lot of fun and got a few things for her friends. Sirius got her a book she had wanted, and she blushed once again and looked away from him after thanking him.

Sirius learned by now that this meant that she liked what he was doing and that she was nervous and embarrassed. Remus agreed with Sirius since most couples acted like that. If Remus was with them, they would just let her calm down and didn't push. They did talk to her after Sirius gave her the book after they left the store. He wanted to tell her how he knew about the book, and he did explain it to her.

Hermione came around when she saw how hard Sirius was working to get Diana and to show her he liked only her. She did help with the flowers and a few tips. They are all getting close and hanging out together a few times as well.

Professor McGonagall smiled at them, and she sometimes gave them house points for hanging out together. They were showing others inner house unity. Diana and Hermione blushed but were happy at that, and the others felt proud.


Sorry if it's short. I'm not feeling well. I'll try and update again soon. I hope you like the edited chapter. Thank you for reading.

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