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Thank you for waiting. I'm sorry for the long wait. I will try to update again soon. Thank you for reading.


Things are going well for Diana. Sirius was getting wizards and witches who were causing trouble off the streets. Cassie was getting older, and she was close with both her parents. Cassie was walking around and talking more. She loved to ask questions, and Diana loved to teach her things.

Sirius was loving taking his daughter out for ice cream. He also loved to take her to the zoo and just walk to the park. Cassie loved her time with her dad. She also loved it when Harry came sometimes. Cassie was close to Harry, and the two thought of each other as siblings.

Diana was happy now. It was summer, and Cassie would be starting Kiddy. Both Diana and Sirius were so proud of their daughter. Diana was a bit emotional that her daughter was getting older.

Diana invited her friends for a cookout. Diana was outside cooking and watching Cassie playing on her swings. There was a knock on the door. Sirius went to answer and saw Remus and Stella there.

"Hey guys, come in. Diana and Cassie are outside." Said Sirius.

"Thanks, Padfoot." Said Remus.

"No problem. The others should be here soon." said Sirius as he brought some games for the kids to play with outside.

Cassie ran up to hug one of her uncles and aunt's. The two hugged Cassie back, and Stella went to talk to Diana.

It was a bit more later before the others got there. Marlene was able to come this time as well.

Cassie and fun with Rose and Harry. They played on Cassie's playground set. They happily colored as well. One of the adults would check up on them sometimes.


They had a good time at the cookout. They got to catch up and talk about their kids. Cassie, Rose, and Harry were going to the same school. Harry was like a over protective brother with his friends. Alice and Frank couldn't come since Neville is sick, and they didn't want to get the others sick. Harry is very close to Neville as well. Cassie loved hanging out with Neville along with Harry.

"I am so proud of the kids. They are so smart and growing so fast." Said Remus.

"Yeah, they are. I can't believe they aren't the little babies we first brought back home anymore." Said Diana trying not to cry.

"I know. I'm glad that they don't have to worry about Voldemort. They don't have to deal with him while growing up." said Sirius as he rubbed Diana's shoulder.

The others nodded at this. Soon, Marlene had to go and then Stella and Remus. Lily and James soon had to go as well. Hermione and Ron stayed over since they wanted to talk more with their friends.


The next few days went well. Cassie and her friends went to school. They weren't scared because they had each other. Diana was glad that she had her friends.

Nina was enjoying helping around the house. She loved to make the food, and Diana let her fix up the food. Sirius was grateful to have such a loving elf.

It was quite at home. Diana was working at Saint Mungo's. She loved healing and helping people. Sirius wasn't as busy as before, and he was fine with it. He still got to take down evil wizards and witches.

Nina had a good time cleaning the house while everyone was gone. She loved to see their happy expressions that they could just rest.

Diana got back after a few more hours after lunch. She just relaxed and read a magazine for house supplies. She was drinking some tea that Nina made her.

It wasn't long before Sirius got back. The two just talked about their days. Sirius went to take a shower, and he rested for a few hours. It was soon time for Sirius to pick up Cassie from school. Before summer, Diana did it on the last day of school.

When the two came back, Cassie went to hug her mum. "Mum, I made flowers during recess." Said Cassie.

"That's great, Cass. It looks cool. Why don't you go and get cleaned up. Dinner is almost ready." Said Diana.

"Okay, mum. Can you help me get my backpack off?" Asked Cassie.

"Of course. Let's go munchkin." Said Diana.

After a few more minutes, the two came back down, and they sat down to eat. They thanked Nina for the food and listened to Cassie as she told them her day. She even told them that Harry got into trouble for trying to stop some boys from bullying her and Rose. The boys got in trouble inside, and Harry was let off with a warning.

Diana and Sirius were glad for this, and they learned a lesson to get a teacher.

Diana helped Cassie with some homework, and then Cassie went to bed. She was tired from the long day back to school.


Thank you for waiting, and I'm sorry if the chapter is short. I'm going to try to update again soon.

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