Fall and The last Horcruxe {Edited}

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Diana and her friends are doing well. They have been busy with school work. McGonagall told them in her office that the soul peace is gone. They only had to kill the snake. Diana also had to deal with Sirius trying to get her to fall for him.
She didn't know what to do. She had talked to McGonagall about it, and she said to trust her heart. That her time is gone, and she is making a new one. She also remembered what Ron told her. He said that she will always be a Potter, but she is now a Granger, and she is in the past.

Diana slowly talked to Sirius a bit more. She would even talk to Remus about her feelings, and he helped her with it too. She asked him a lot of stuff about if Sirius is really serious about loving her. Remus told her the truth because he knew Sirius would have done the same. Hermione was still a bit up set, but she tried to see what Diana was looking for. She is slowly getting it, and she is worrying less. Hermione was just worrying about her sister

Ron was happy to see that Sirius was in love with Diana so much. He felt like he was watching Fred trying to win Diana all over again. He smiled at how sweet and cute they looked when they were together. Professor McGonagall also smiled at the two. She likes that Sirius tried to get there when Diana was there or to help her with Transmigration sometimes.


Hermione soon joined Diana in studying with Lily, Remus, and Severus. She joined on Mondays and Thursdays. Hermione knew this was a good time for Diana to spend the time she needed with her mother. Lily unknowingly helped Diana see how a mother acts, and she even helped Diana get through some things in a class.

Hermione is happy for her friend and knows she deserves to be happy. Hermione saw that Diana was mostly over what the Dursley's did to her. She would sometimes flinch when people started to shout, but she's so much better. Ron and Hermione didn't know that Diana needed this to help her heal.

Stella saw how much happier Diana was getting. She knew it was because of Sirius, Lily, and James. She didn't know why it was them, but she was still happy for her friend. She also saw that Remus helped make her happy as well. She could tell that Diana saw Remus as another brother along with James. She could see that Diana also saw Lily as another sister. Stella was so happy for Diana.

James could see Sirius plan was working and didn't know how that was. He still didn't get that not annoying the girl you love would get you farther. This made Remus and Sirius laugh. They still played a lot of pranks, but Sirius would keep them away from Diana.


Sirius saw as it got closer to Halloween , and Diana got more depressed. He would prank the Slytherin's that were bullying others. He made the Slytherin's dance and sang funny songs. This made Diana giggle a little bit. James and Remus helped when they saw what Sirius was trying to do.

James made a dancing skeleton that danced around the Great Hall during breakfast. This made Diana smile for the whole day. A Slytherin was trying to get Diana to go out with him a few days later. Sirius and Remus had come down the hallway when they saw how uncomfortable Diana was. They made a sign that said hit me appear on his back. All day, other Slytherin's and a few Gryfindor's would hit him. Diana giggled at this. The Slytherin who's names is George, would be annoyed and confused as to why that kept happening.

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