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Mizuki - love language is gifts. They send an a lot of gifts like love letters, chocolates, making playlists for her, scarves, hats, etc and especially during valentines day.

An - love language is quality time, she likes company and talking, an talks a lot and is a huge extrovert and sucks at wording her sentences and sometimes words them horribly but mizuki tries to listen her best and tries to correct her.

Mizuki and an hug a lot, hold hands a lot etc. like they'll hold hands anywhere. On the sofa watching a tv show or something, they will hold hands and cuddle and get cozy and stuff and then they will be proper asleep in the next second snoozing away. Mizuki snores loud and an snores loud. They make fun of eachother for it and go on for hours.

They sing together and MY GOD they are THE duo everyone needs. BRO COULD SURPASS RAD WEEKEND WITH THAT🔥🔥

They go to cat cafes and they squeal abt the cats together

They have a billion unreturned library books

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