first day back

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sophie's pov

i am finally back at alfea and i'm not going to lie i missed this place over the summer.
i walked through the gates and began to look around for riven or skye and just with my luck i find them both together so i began to walk over to them both.

'hey boys.'
'hey sophie.' riven smiles at me
'hey sophie.' says skye
'well what are you two talking about.' i asked them
'well our boy skye over here was creeping on a first year when i found him.' riven smirks and pats skye on the back
'for the last time i was only speaking to her.'
'well i'm sure she can't be any worse than stella.' i say
'good one sophie.' riven says.

stella is skye's ex and let's just say it did not end well.

'well boys i should go and take my things to my suite.' i say to them
'yea you probably should. i can't believe they are making you stay with first years.' riven says
'i know it sucks but i will take my things unpack then get yous in your suite.' i say
'sounds good sophie but be quick we have practice.' skye says
'oh ok well i will just get yous down there.'
'ok sophie see you at the field.' riven says

i began walking to my suite and when i finally get there i see 4 other girls already there.

'oh hello.' i say
'omg sophie your staying with us.' one asked and i released that it was terra who is mr harvey's daughter she's a earth fairy.
'yeah i am.'
'hi i'm bloom im a fire fairy.' a girls with red hair says
'hi i'm musa i'm a mind fairy.' she says
'i'm aisha i'm a water fairy.'
'hi i'm sophie i'm the fairy of darkness and i'm a second year.' i say
'wait a fairy of darkness?' one of them say
'i have never heard of that.' musa says
'sophie is the only one of her kind and the most power fairy here.' terra says to all of them.
'well i would love to chat but i need to unpack and change and meet riven and skye at the specialist field.' i tell them
'who's riven and skye.' musa asks
'oh there my best friends.' i tell her
'sophie, riven and skye are the most popular in the school and most liked by teachers.' terra tells the other girls
'yeah i guess we are.' i say while laughing a bit

i make my way to my room in the suite.
i finally finsh unpacking and then i get changed

 i finally finsh unpacking and then i get changed

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i then start making my way to the specialist field

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i then start making my way to the specialist field.

i finally get there to see skye and riven fighting one and other while silva was giving a speech to the new first years.
i decided to walk over to silva who is my favourite teacher because i haven't seen him in months.

'excuse me sir where can i find the good teachers.' i say laughing
he turns round
'sophie it's good to see you back.' he gives me a hug
'it's good to be back.' i tell him
'everyone this is sophie, she's the fairy of darkness aka the most powerful fairy here.'
'in other words don't mess with me or those two idiots over there or there will be hell to pay.' i say pointing at riven and skye.
some of the first years take a step back away from me which makes me laugh.
we all began to watch riven and skye.
'my bets are on skye.' silva whispers to me
'ok old man your on.' i say
'loser has to fight the winner.' silva says to me

oh come on riven. i really didn't want to fight skye. i thought

oh god it was over and skye won
'haha you lose sophie' silva says to me
'oh come on.' i say
'you two betted on who would win.' skye says
'yep and i lost.' i say
'oh princess nice to know you wanted me to win.' riven says
'well riven now i need to fight skye because you lost.' i say turning away pretending to be mad at him
'oh are you mad at me.' riven says
i don't answer him so me grabs my waist from behind pulling me close to him
'i asked if you were mad at me.' he says but i'm between each word me squeezes me
i still don't say anything so he begins to tickle me making me laugh
'i asked you a question.'
'no no i'm not mad at you.' i say laughing in between each word.
'ok lovebirds enough.' silva says making riven let go of me and i walk away from riven and stand next to skye.

'go and change sophie you need to fight skye.' silva says
'silva i'm a fairy not a specialist so i don't think i should be fighting one.'  i say trying to come up with some kind of excuse on why i don't want to fight skye
'sophie dear you may not be a specialist but believe me you are a much better fighter than some of the people here that are actually specialist.' he says
the four of us all laugh
'ok ok give me 15 minutes and i will be back.' i say

i got to my suite and the 4 girls were sitting there.
'hey sophie are you going to the part tonight.' terra asked me
'yeah i will be.'
'do you think you could help me get ready.' she asks
'why.' i ask
'well you have great fashion sense and are great at makeup i could use the help.' she says
'sure given me about an hour i need to go and fight skye because i lost a bet to silva and then i will me back.' i say to her
'thanks sophie.' she says and i began to walk to my room to change.

i then began to walk down to the field again

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i then began to walk down to the field again

'here she is ready to beat your ass skye.' riven says making me laugh
'thanks riven glad to know your on my side.'
'i always am princess.' he says
'right skye, sophie get up there.' silva says
'first years gather you don't want to miss this.' riven says and i laugh. all the first years look confused
'he's not laying.' silva says which makes them all gather round the podium me and skye were on.
'ok rules- no magic sophie, no weapons skye. this fight is on skills and reflex something you are both good at so it will keep this fair.' silva says and me and skye nodded
'3... 2...1... fight.' silva yells
and that's what we do. i kind of forgot how strong skye actually was.

after 30 mins the fight is over and you guessed it i won.
'well done princess i knew you would win.' riven says and he puts his arms out for me to jump off the podium into and i do.
he catches me and spins us around. i am laughing me head of when silva says.
'well done sophie you were great.'
'thank you silva.' i say to him

'well boys i need to go and get ready for the party.'
'see you soon princess.' riven says

and off i went to go and get ready

hey guys i hope you like this part xx
let me know if you liked it and please comment and vote xx

word count- 1264
picture count- 3

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