date with riven

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sophie's pov

i can't believe i'm going on a date with riven.
i have just over a hour to get ready so i probably should. i am really nervous me and riven have been flirting for years but i thought it was just him being him but i have always likes him.

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i'm so nervous

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i'm so nervous. i can't believe i'm going out with riven.
i was finally ready and there was a knock on the suite door.
i opened the door to see riven in a suit
'nice to see you in something other than leather riven.' i joked
'you look amazing sophie.' he said
'thanks riven. what are we doing.'
'going for a nice dinner.' he smiled me at me
we walked down to the restaurant just outside the school. we walk into the restaurant and were met by a boy who was a bit older than the both of us.
'hello ma'am and sir do u have a reservation.'
'yes it's under riven.' riven told him
'yes i see it right this way.' we followed him to our table
'thank you.' i said and he smiled at us both and walked away
'so riven what made you ask me out on this date.' i said to him
'well sophie i have always liked you since the first day last year and i seen you transformed and i just couldn't stop myself from asking you out.' he said making me smile.
'thank you riven.'
'well what are you having.' he asked me
'i was thinking pasta or something like that.' i say to him
'i think i'm going to get a burger.' he says
'if course you are.' i laugh
'hey what's that supposed to mean.' i laughs
'oh just that every time me you and skye get food you always get a burger.' i tell him
'ok fine why don't i get some kind of pasta dish and you get the burger.' he says
'now why would i do that.'
'it will be fun.' he says
'ok fine.'
that's when the waitress came over
'hey guys what drink can i get y'all.' she asked
'can i have a fresh orange and lemonade please.' i ask her
'of course and you sir.'
'can i get a coke please.'
'yes and are you ready to order you mains.' she asked
'yes can i get the chicken pasta with bread.' riven says
'yes and for you ma'am.'
'can i get your house burger with chips.'
'yes of course it will be out as soon as we can.' she says and walks off
'i can't believe we just swapped meals.' i say
'i know but it it will be fun.'
'everything with you is fun riv.' i say to him
'riv?.' he questions
'well you call me princess all the time so i need a nickname for you.'
'well i like it.' he grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze and i smiled at him
after about 20 minutes our food come out. we chat and eat and riven won't shut up about the pasta being good which was making me laugh.
'do you want to share on of the sundaes.' he asked me
'i would love to.' and at that the waitress came over
'can i get yous a dessert.' she asked
'yeah can we get your chocolate sundae please.' riven said and she nodded and walked off.
'that's my favourite.' i tell him
'yeah i know.' he smiled at me

we ate our sundae and left  the restaurant

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we ate our sundae and left  the restaurant.

'that was the best sundae i have ever had.' i told him
'yeah it was really good.' he said
we had arrived back at my suite
'i had fun tonight riven.' i told him
'i had fun to Sophie.' he said
we both kept starring at each other and next thing i knew i was kissing riven.
omg i was kissing riven!!!!
i have been waiting for this day for a year and it's finally happening!!!
we pulled away.
'sophie was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend.' he asked me
'omg riven i would love to.' i said and then kissed him
'will you go to this party with me tomorrow it's for halloween but your supposed to dress and like the typical bad boy and bad girl. i was going to go alone but if you would go with me it would be even better.' he asked
'i would love to go with you and technically your not even dressing up.' i joked.
'very funny sophie.'
'good night riven.' i say
'good night princess.'
i walked into my suite leaving him at the other side of the door.

rivens pov
i can't believe that just happened we kissed i asked her to be my girlfriend she said yes and then i asked her to go to a party with me and it's not really her seen but she said she would anyway. i am so lucky i met that girl

sophie's pov

'musa.' i shout
'we need to talk.'
'wait omg you back form your date.'
'tell me everything.'
'well he picked me up. we went out for a nice dinner it was fancy. he walked me back up her kissed me good night.'
'wait i'm not done. asked me to be his girlfriend.'
'still not done. then asked me to go to a party with him tomorrow.' i said
'i'm done this time.' i say
'omg sophie i'm so happy did you.' she said
'i can't believe riven is my boyfriend.'
'i know. so what's this party tomorrow.'
'your supposed to dress up as the typical bad boy and bad girl it's rivens 'friends' so i'm nervous.' i say
'you'll do great.'
'riven doesn't even have to dress up and i'm sure i have a few things in my wardrobe.' i said
'yeah i'm sure you do.'
'well night musa
'night sophie.'

hey guys i hope you liked this part make sure to like and comment and can you believe there together. hopefully no drama

word count-1015

picture count-3

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