he cheated

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sophies pov

I cant believe what he just said

'your boyfriends a good kisser.'

those words

I don't understand was it before we got together or after

I feel sick and I like I wanted to punch someone

'ok lets move on.' I shouted at the specialists

no one moved.

they were all staring at me

thats when I realised I was crying.

'come over.' I shouted and not one of them moved

'I said come over.' I shouted and my eyes went to grey

Skye ran over to me and grabbed my arm

'hey Sophie are you ok.' he said

'yep im fine.' I say

'ok lets move on to some fighting.' I say

'all you need to do is fight weapons are a yes but Im going to show you what I want you to do. I need you to try and get your opponents weapon.' I say

'riven you can help me show them.' I say

silvia was watching and he looked surprised that I picked riven after what I told him this morning

riven grabbed his weapon and so did I and we jumped on the platform.

'lets go.'

we began fighting

I was so mad and I let that out on him

I was kicking, pushing, punching and hitting him with my weapon

he was surprised to say the least I felt myself beginning to cry so thats when I ended the fight and disarmed riven.

'they we go. im going to how you one more time just in case.' I say

I pretended to think about who I was going to pick

'dane.' I say smirking

he looked nervous after seeing how I treated riven I think he was scared about what I was going to do to him

we began to fight and I was putting a lot more force behind my punch and kicked and blows with the long stick

he was hardly fighting back due to me not really giving him the chance.

he was on the floor and I was till going

I wanted him to fit back

'SOPHIE.' I heard silvia

I didn't stop

'SOPHIE ENOUGH HES DONE.' he shouted jumping on the platform and grabbing me

'hes done.' he said softly holding on to me

'she's mental.' he said whipping blood from under his nose

'oh im mental. if I wasn't on your side in this school I would have been able to kill you. you are going to get your self or someone else killed. you are no good to be a specialist for this school.' I say

' I say

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