chapter 14

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I woke up in my bed and made sure luci was with me. I got up and got ready then woke luci up and took her outside to go to the bathroom in the woods. When she came back we go in and into the kitchen i make some eggs, bacon and toast for me and luci.

We happily ate and i put her in my room and go out with slender outside again. We go to the woods this time and he puts me in the trees. He out me in a tall tree.

"You really think this will work? Like I have fallen from higher."

"No, but its the best we have right now." I shrugged my shoulders and jumped down trying and imagining to fly, to change, to just be what i was supposed to be.

I tried over, and over again each time slender had to catch me . And i tired over

And over

And over

And over

And over.

Nothing. Happened.

Loyalty Royalty And Death{~Slenderman X M. Reader~}Where stories live. Discover now