chapter 5.

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Her body collapsed hard on the ground letting the springs tear even more inside her limbs making her whimper.  Springtrap stood in the mirror waiting for her to stand up off the floor. 

"Please...i just want to go see my kids at least-" "no" "springtrap its been to long I need to see them please!" "Like I said no I wont let you....the show must go on".  Her sobs echo in the dark red bathroom.  As his own figure disappeared from the mirror.  Slowly getting up she made her way to the door heading down the darkened stair case that lead to the kitchen.  Nightmare fredbear was making food since the place was shut down for the time being.  He turns to look at her form leaning on the counter her back facing him as he then walks up to her planting both palms on each side.  "So it looks like grandpa willy is asleep right now huh...but judging by the looks of it you have a timed limit until he returns but ......i think you need to do something unti lhe comes back first take the trash out back" she gulps as his hand slowly tilts her chin up. 

Their eyes meet for a split second until he pulls away.  The girl shakily walks over to the trashcan to take the trash out, stepping outside the sun was almost down.  She stops by the dumpster and opens it in the distance was a loud crashing noise causing the girl to freeze in her tracks.  Looking in the direction she couldve sworn she seen a small glimpse of dirty blue star hat.  But then as she looks closer stood moondrop staring right at her his red eyes staring into her soul.  Dropping the trash bag they slowly walk up to each other but it was only him.  "W-wheres your brother sundrop?" "Watching the twins now im going to ask you....where have you been" "a dark place....i was scared how long has it been.." "Years starshine...years why havent you returned home...we miss you i miss you too much damnit"  a small tear was forming in his eyes. 

"I want to return home believe me-" "but all we found was his body and we couldn't find yours it fucking scared me to death that day you disappeared in mid air" he starts trembling slowly getting onto his knees hugging the girl.  She softly smooths his curly hair out untangling the knots.  Moondrop hides his face in her stomach feeling her warm body once more the body he didnt feel like letting go.  Her tears were welling up as she started crying as he stood up off the ground letting her body go allowing her to hide her face in his stomach this time.  They stood like this for a few minutes until the door opens she quickly panicked and shoved him into the dark ally signalling him to be quiet.  Outside the place stood nightmare Freddy looking at her. 

"What's taking you so long y/n theres things to do than just standing outside in the ally...get your butt back inside now our time limit is about up" she gulps and heads back in the building leaving moondrop standing in the location.  He then starts to call up his brother giving him the information. 

"Moon whats going on"

"I found her..shes not alone sun"

"Who is with her....i swear im going to-"

"No we were told to not rush in because if we do shit will go down south"

"Im tired of standing around damnit i want her home with us and the kids they fucking miss the living shit out of their mom!" He yells in tears. 

Moon sighs in defeat as he took a photo of the ally she came from along side the place.  But there was a light humming sound looking up he suddenly freezes in place up above him was the camera pointed directly at him. 

"Sun they fucking know that im here we need to hurry" he immediately hangs up and starts running.  So fast that he was already home.  Moondrop puts the saved location into the digital map. 

a spark within #3 Sequel To moondrop/sundrops Little Crush Where stories live. Discover now