Chapter 16

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New York was shaken to the ground

Villians were taking what was rightfully There's property'

Now the heroes were looking out the knight and even ask other to help even offering a ransome on who is the knight

As the street covered with paper about one thing

As the street covered with paper about one thing

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Who is the knight

With the heroes

Many other villians were fighting and heroes were actually getting weak

But they all had a goal

Take down the knight

Then knight stood on a tall building looking down and he turned around and saw the young heroes


Kate:time to give up now buddy

America Chavez:so come with us slowly

Patriot:or we will go violent

Knight:funny you know well to follow orders from the avengers yet you continue there work

Then seeing then young avengers charge but then a force of energy slowed them down

They young avengers were moving slow but the knight grabbed Kate bishop and pulled her out

Kate:so what are you gonna do you gonna rape me or something

Knight:how old are you

Kate:old enough to kick your ass

Knight:are you over 20

Kate:little above *pullling back here arrow*

Knight smacked her bow off

Knight:good enough

The knight grabbed her head



The heroes were searching for this hero

The fantastic 4 we're searching

Human torch;there he is

The getting a sniper shot at the control panel of the fantastic car causing it to go down

Thing:I got him

Then the knight grabbed a glowing canister where he stole from the Baxter building

Reed:you stole my cosmic rays

Knight:I need power

Reed reached for it

But the knight pressed a button and tossed it down then the rays sparked with other rays

Then the fantastic 4 power did many things weird in there body's

Then the fantastic 4 power did many things weird in there body's

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