Chapter 22

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Spider man slowly put on his mask trying not it get hurt by his burn injuries

Then he swung off

It felt good to go out again

It felt great

But the first place he went to was Fisk tower

There Wilson Fisk saw his empire grow he had done it thanks to Felicia hardy and Peter Parker

Great names that go together

Then hearing glass break

Fisk:Well I'll be dammed you came out even Jason warned you....your crazy Peter

Peter walked up to him

Peter:where is she

Fisk:oh she'll be just fine*waving his finger*let's talk

Peter lunged at him

The duo fought

Fisk:you still care about here even after everything she had done



Peter:bring it on

Fisk fought him but mostly blocked

Fisk:if only your uncle would see this how would he be disappointed

Peter got on his knees

Fisk:you know Jason is mad at you for one reason one big reason and here you are clueless

Peter:where is he

Fisk:wanna know....the road where it all began where one thing let to another.....where a bastard with a gun started it....only for your uncle to play hero

Peter knew where where it was

Peter swung out

Peter memories was going crazy and going haywire everything he though of and he made was coming a night mare

He swung as fast as he can and made it to where he was supposed to be

And flash back hit

Peter kneeled as this was the place that made him the super hero he knows and is now

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Peter kneeled as this was the place that made him the super hero he knows and is now


Peter turned and saw the knight

Peter:Jason....this ends tonight all of it

Knight:nobody knows that better than me

The knight fired his pistol but Peter grabbed a street light and swung it to him

But Jason jumped over it and was hit by web

Jason:Cute aint it

Jason swung his sword at his arm but it caught on his web shooters

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