Part Four

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It was a couple of hours later of them returning from their trip, in which Dean still believes that he has never met or seen Rosa Mendes around work; much to the humour of Brie.

They were both currently just finishing up their takeout whilst watching some old tv show reruns - neither of them having the will to cook, although Brie insisted that she'd cook them both something tomorrow - I mean, that's what they did go shopping for, right?

"It wasn't anything serious, just her getting too attached, which kinda freaked me out.", Dean explained as Brie had asked him about a certain blonde backstage interviewer.

"So what you're saying is that she wanted more than just something casual..?"

"Pretty much.", he nodded. "I mean, don't get me wrong, she's great and all but..something just felt off about the whole thing so I decided to just break it off."

"Who knew Dean Ambrose was such a heartbreaker.", Brie smirked. "Do you still talk to her?", she asked.

"Yeah, sometimes.", Dean replied, shifting in his seat to get comfortable. "But I'm pretty sure she's only after..y'know."

Brie gave him a look which said to continue, however the slight glint in her eye told him that she knew what he meant.

"Basically, Renee still wants the D, in more ways than one.", Dean sighed causing the Bella twin to spit out her drink, bursting into laughter.

Sitting there patiently, Dean watched as the Brie slowly started to gather herself back into a normal state, taking a deep breath and running a hand through her hair, small giggles breaking out now and again; it was almost too adorable.

"So..", he started, taking a swig from his beer before lowering it, looking over at Brie. "What made you decide to come here with me? I mean, if you don't mind me asking."

Brie simply shrugged, playing with the hem of her oversized Ramones tshirt - to which she had changed as soon as they got back, accustoming into something more relaxed; which was a pair of shorts and an oversized tee.

"It's not like we exactly know each other.", he added.

"It's not like you're going to endanger my life, Ambrose."

"I don't know, I mean I could take you skydiving, that's pretty out there.", Dean shrugged nonchalantly, Brie sending him a small smirk. "Then again, wouldn't wanna get in trouble with your husband so."

The smirk soon vanished at the mention of her husbands name.

"It's not like Bryan would give a damn.", Brie mumbled as she downed the last of the bottle of beer.

Tilting his head to the side, Dean took in her words. It lead him to believe that there was more behind Brie's marriage to Daniel than people saw, which was just the smiley-hippie couple they portrayed to be.

It was just the question if Brie was going to say anything about it.

"If I'd have gone with anyone else, I would have to pretend to be happy. That's why I recently preferred to travel alone, then I wouldn't have to put up that front. I love Nattie and Naomi, they're all I have right now but I just couldn't handle being around them right now.", Brie spoke after a few moments of silence between the two, the sound of the tv playing lowly in the background.

"You, Dean..there is something about you what just tells me that I don't have to do that around you.", she smiled, leaning her head against the couch as she looked over at him.

In that moment a Brie realised how close they were sitting next to one another, her knee grazing his thigh lightly.

"I'm glad that I could be that person for you.", Dean shot her a smile, causing her to melt on the inside.

The look he was giving her was one she hadn't seen in ages, Daniel used to give her that look. It made her heart swell yet shatter at the same time, recalling how her marriage was slowly falling apart day by day.

Part of her felt somewhat guilty for feeling such a way, as this was a man she barely even knew and here she was analysing each look here gave her for ones her husband used to give her back in the time when they were happy.

Clearing her throat, Brie stood from the couch. "I need a drink.", she mumbled to herself as she walked over to the kitchen, grabbing two beers out of the fridge.

Reclaiming her seat she handed Dean the bottle as she opened her own, hearing him mutter a thanks under his breath. She glanced over at him as he unconsciously tearing the label off of the bottle as he stared ahead of himself.

Brie was weary of his sudden silence; as usually they were just casually talking about anything and everything. Turning her attention to the television, Brie attempted to tune into what was happening on whatever show was on.

"What Stephanie said, is it true?"

Her breathing hitched at his sudden question, of course he'd ask that.

Turning her head slightly she looked over at him, his gaze dead set on her. Shifting in her seat, Brie bit her lip as she tried to muster up a response.

Not once had she ever discussed what Stephanie had claimed, not even with her own family. Yet here she was contemplating whether if she should say a thing to Dean.

He doesn't know you, so maybe he won't give you the pity like you know your family would give you. Poor Brie. Just becoming another statistic in the number of people who are cheated on with their so-called significant others.

"I couldn't believe it when Bryan had told me, I wanted it to be some cruel, sick joke. This is one of those things what you see happen to others, but never think it could happen to you, especially when you're married. Getting's something special, you take an oath. Loyalty to one person for the rest of your life, but then even that isn't good enough.", Brie started, a somber look on her face as her voice was quiet, just about a whisper.

"We'd been married all of four months and he tells me that he's been sleeping with another woman. To have that aired out infront of an audience, for everyone to hear it was horrible. I felt exposed, and the looks I got backstage were ones of pity. Heck, I still get them now. I could imagine what they're probably saying. 'Poor Brie, her husbands allegedly cheated on her and her sister has turned her back on her, she has no one.'", she laughed sadly, feeling the tears slowly start to build up.

"No ones saying tha-", Dean started but was cut off.

"Everyone backstage thrives off of personal gossip, don't give me that bullshit, Dean."

He couldn't defend himself, even he knew it was true. Even now walking backstage Dean would still hear someone talk about it, heck even Roman may have commented about it once or twice.

"He's apologised countless times, but how can I forgive that?"

"You don't.", Dean answered. "Listen Brie, I'm not exactly the best person to be giving relationship advice, but you don't deserve that. Look at you, you're beautiful. You deserve to be happy, not be dragged down by a man who can't stay faithful to you. And to everyone who wants to talk about your marriage, let them. They don't know shit, don't let them disturb your happiness. All you need to do is do whatever makes you happy."

Wiping the tears from her cheeks Brie leant forward, wrapping her arms around Dean's neck as she hugged him, the side of her head leaning against his chest, catching him off guard. Slowly Dean placed his arms around her, returning the hug.

"Thankyou, Dean.", he heard her mumble.

Dean leaned out of the hug to look down a her, sending her a small smile. "No problem.", he replied. "Just no more crying okay? I don't know how to deal with a woman crying."

Brie laughed, "No promises but I'll t-"

Her body froze as she was met with the feeling of Dean's lips on hers, silencing her.



Gosh Ambrose, ever such the forward one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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