Part Two

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I actually didn't expect anyone to even ask for a second part of this, or even to read and actually like it.

Also apologies for such a long wait, school stuff has just gotten in the way.

But nonetheless, thanks guys.


Another Monday night Raw down, yet another match her sister puts her in, this time with one hand tied behind her back.

Just like Nikki had to go through when she left.

Brie had however overcome the odds and beat Summer Rae after she banged heads with Layla and got finished with a knee to the face before Brie picked up the pin for the 1-2-3.

Again, just like last week; Nikki wasn't happy.

Yet it made Brie happy that she was overcoming whatever her sister threw at her, handicap matches and all. Fresh from her shower, Brie changed into her clothes, just in time to catch the last few moments of Raw.

Seeing Dean bring his onslaught - hot dog stand included - caused a smile to break out onto her lips.

She thought he had left earlier and wasn't coming back for the rest of Raw, as he decided to get on a train to Coney Island.

But he returned, along with the hot dog stand.

With a final DDT to Cena - much to the enjoyment of Brie - Raw had come to an end, another night under wraps.

"You coming out with us tonight?", Nattie asked as she zipped up her suitcase, looking over at Brie.

"No, I'm just gonna go back to the hotel."

"You sure? We'd hate for you to be alone..", Naomi added, frowning.

Shaking her head with a smile, Brie declined once more. "I'll be okay, I'm just tired, you girls go have fun. Maybe we can meet up for breakfast in the morning?", she suggested.

"Sounds good.", Nattie smiled, "Call us if you need anything though."

"Will do, have a nice night!", Brie smiled hugging both of them before they exited the locker room leaving Brie alone.

She knew that they were just trying to stop Brie from feeling lonely, and to keep her mind off of all of what was happening with her sister, and Brie appreciated that. Knowing that she could fully trust Nattie and Naomi was what she needed, as she felt she had little trust in everyone else, husband included.

Throwing on her jacket, Brie grabbed her suitcase and made her way out of the locker room, making her way through the hallway.

Pulling out her phone, she checked for messages; one to be exact, from Daniel.

'You coming home this week? We need to talk, Brie. Love you.'

Reading the message, she sighed before sliding her phone back in her pocket. She didn't want to deal with Daniel, having stayed away from their home they shared for a week. Instead of going home like everyone else did on the late Tuesday or even Wednesday, she stayed in town for a day or two before travelling to where the live shows were for the weekend.

Eventually Brie knew she'd have to go back, even though she packed enough clothes to two weeks she would have to sooner or later.

But for right now she just wanted to get back to the hotel, have a glass of wine and go to sleep.

However her slight frown started to disappear into a small smile when she noticed a certain someone up ahead, leaning against the wall.

"Look at you, you look a mess."

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