Chapter Four: Patrol Logs - District 1 and District 64

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The following week didn't go smoothly for the rookies or for any Shinigami for that matter, given the rise in number of Hollow sightings. The frequency of Hollow appearances wasn't the concerning part. The main concern was that the mindless creatures had suddenly started to act in a group which was strange. Normally, Hollows are creatures with low intelligence so working in groups and trying to isolate the Shinigami from their teams before dealing with them. All of the divisions had their hands full with the matter. The 12th Division was still trying to find out the cause behind it, but so far they couldn't arrive at any solid conclusion. 

In order to counter this situation and prevent any unwanted casualities, the Division Captains decided to send their division members in teams of two or more, on various districts of the Rukongai. If Hollows were to appear in the districts in the presence of Shinigami, the latter could quickly spur into action, focusing on rescue of the residents and taking care of the Hollows. 

Shinigami of each division were notified of this by their Captains and Vice-Captains after this stance was approved in the Captains meeting. 

"So we have West Districts 1 to 6, 60 to 64 and 75 to 79 on our tab," Suzaku read through the piece of paper handed to him before folding it neatly and tugging it into his uniform. "They really distributed at random lots."

"We can't complain about that can we?" Matsuri spoke, putting her hands behind her head. 

"I am not complaining." Suzaku replied, exiting their division barracks along with all other members. "I don't see any reason to patrol around the 1st districts. Those are the safest places to live in."

"You never know when and where Hollows will pop up so quit complaining and move it." Grabbing him by the collar, Matsuri dragged the black-haired Shinigami all the way to the Seireitei Gates.


It had been more than an hour since the duo arrived at the first district of Rukongai. They wandered around with their eyes and ears open although they weren't expecting it here of all places. Still they patrolled the district as a part of their assignment and they weren't brave enough yet to disobey their superior's orders. The two Shinigami thought of looking out for the residents, if they required any kind of assistance or facing any problems before they would leave this district behind. 

"See? Perfectly safe and--" 

"Shiro-chan! Shiroooo-chan!" 

Before Suzaku could complete his sentence, he was interrupted by someone yelling... "Shiro-chan!" at the top of their lungs. 

"Of all things to happen, someone had to lose their pet!" The black-haired Shinigami groaned before his partner elbowed him in the torso. She then pointed to a girl with black hair tied in pigtails and brown eyes, searching around for someone with a worried expression. 

"Be a little nicer." Having said that, Matsuri walked up to the girl, her partner wordlessly following her. 

"Hello there little girl." The blond Shinigami greeted, getting the black-haired girl's attention. "You looked troubled. Can we help you in any manner?"

"Oh, Shinigami!" The girl in question was initially surprised but quickly composed herself. "Well I-I can't find Shiro-chan. He has been missing since early morning. I have been looking high and low for him."

"We can help you find Shiro-chan. We can cover more ground if we are in numbers." Matsuri assured her. "Can you tell me what Shiro-chan looks like?"

"He is little, has big eyes and white hair and can be a little scary at first." The girl explained before bowing to the pair of Shinigami. "Thank you for helping me out. My name is Momo Hinamori by the way."

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