Chapter Six ( FINAL )

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Unfortunately the time has come...the clock has struck was time for everyone to go home...

You waved to all the friends you made there and even got lucky as to have gotten a actual number ! Better tell me all the details later dear reader ~

Anyways , back on track , you noticed Author-Chan twirling and bouncing around with joy like a bird released from it's cage and heard a almost piercing shriek come out from her. It was filled with joy. Something about it made you smile. " This was the best Halloween yet ! And to think ! We can have another one like that over and over and over and- "

" AC maybe we should think about that another time. I was thinking we can watch a movie before ya know , saying our goodbyes. "

Hearing you , she bounced over to you with a chipper smile across her face. " Oh really ? As long as it's not horror , I'm in baby ! " chuckling at her enthusiasm , you hooked up your phone to her living room TV and watched Night of the werehog with her with a large bowl of popcorn in between your lap. Halfway into the movie , you were startled by the sudden rustle of the wind and the groans from before , now louder then ever.

You turned to AC for a explanation. " Oh ! Silly me , must've left the window open ! Let me get that. " getting up , she turned into a bat and flew to the window to close it as you tried to focus on the screen in front of you.

Wait...why was she still able to do that ? The effects of the potion wore off for everyone that left , including you. Maybe it lasts longer on her ? Or maybe she used her magic pen on herself again and didn't know how to reverse its effects. Oh well. Doesn't seem like she's throwing a fit about it. Might as well leave it be.

She flew back to you and the movie continued on like nothing happened. Then the clock ticked again. Tick tock tick tock tick tock

It was starting to get on your nerves. Why did that noise sound so awful to you ?...the groans got louder. It was becoming harder to ignore.

The movie finished and you began to pack your things such as goodie bags and whatever else you had gotten there. With a smile , you waved to Author-Chan and walked out the door. Yet...when you turned back. She wasn't there. Trying not to think too hard on it , you continued walked along the damp grass until you stopped in front of a awful sight. Graves. A bunch. All stuck into the ground in tilted positions. Webs coated them but unlike the fake ones from the party , these webs were real.

" These

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" These...aren't fake ! Why didn't I see them before the party?! Were they they victims from the party?! " you dropped to you knees to see the awful sight in front of you.

A grave. One with a drug in hole. You almost gagged at the sight.

Here lies our kind hearted , Author-Chan.

" Readeeeeeeeer ~ " a voice called. It groaned and began to chuckle. It was mixed with the voice of Author and of some demonic thing. They were interlaced and it chilled you to the very bone.

You felt trapped , you turned to see corpse-like Author-Chan , holding a empty glass bottle that had a skull on it. Her ruby red eyes pierced through your soul once again. That bottle...then it hit you.

" It doesn't taste funny or anything like that. Tried on myself before giving them out. Can't have someone dead on the night of Halloween no can we ? "

" You...YOU'RE DEAD ! " you exclaimed. You tried to scream but couldn't from the bone chilling fear that paralyzed your entire body. There was no where to run. You couldn't get your body to move. You just couldn't.

" Oh Readeeeer , you didn't think I just drank one potion , now did you ? Sure I may be a vampire , but it sure would be a shame if I didn't embrace my mix heritage now wouldn't it ? " she chuckled once again but then it turned into a terrifying laugh. This flesh bag was once your friend but didn't even know who they were anymore.

" I can't have you escaping , oh already know too much. Besides , we're the best of friends , aren't we ? I'm veeeeery lonely. I bet your beating heart would taste won't need it anyways once your a undead husk like I am....hehe...heheheheh....hahahahaha

The clock had finally struck twelve and all that could be heard was the long and melancholy chimes that indicated that the party was officially over. It's unknown what happened , but you can put two and two together on what followed afterwards.

You went missing and as for Author-Chan...well...can't say she had any objectives to having a prisoner in her home...

Isn't that right , dear Reader-chan/kun/san ?


Happy Halloweeeen ~

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