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Laying out in the warmth of the sun, the box blasting the somewhat newly released Aerosmith album that I had picked up drunkenly one night at a record store not long after it hit shelves was blaring 'What it Takes'. Whilst the guys may think it's an odd purchase, my parents love Aerosmith and it's what played in the house as a kid along with many other rock acts and other random genres.
The band always makes me think of visiting my family back in Massachusetts, where Aerosmith just happens to live also.
I happened to appreciate the music a lot, and was digging the new stuff, but not lost on my more newly formed hip hop/rap roots with the guys.
"I could hear that from the bottom of the driveway!"A voice called out.
I opened my eyes, recognizing it to be none other than my best friend Adam Yauch.
"And is that a problem?"I shouted over the music with a smirk, looking towards him as he walked over and sat in the other lounge chair beside me.
"No, but you've got that thing cranked."He shouted over the music with a smile, leaning over and turning it down a bit so we could hear each other.
"What've you been up to?"He asked at a normal volume.
"Exactly this, Mike and Adam were giving me a headache with their bickering so I drove back, took Adam's box and my tape and sat out here."I said, sitting up a bit still looking at him.
He laughed, "That sounds typical. You guys get anything done while I was out at least?"He asked.
I nodded, "Yeah plenty, I'd say it's almost set."I smiled.
He smiled, "That's good at least. You want a drink?"He asked, getting up.
"As if I could say no."I smiled, getting up and beginning to head to the house before he grabbed my hand.
"I meant at the bar. Mike and I created something the other night that I think you'd really like. It's sweet but still has a kick."He smiled.
"You know me too well, alright let's go then. I can put Adam's box back too."I laughed, picking up the box as I followed Adam down to the other bedroom that Adrock was staying in.
We made it in, I shut the door behind me as I went over to where Adrock kept his box and placed it there, taking out my tape and sliding it in my pocket.
I looked to the bar, Adam had already began making whatever concoction he and Mike had come up with whilst drunk one night.
"So, what's in this mystery cocktail?"I asked, taking a seat at the bar stool as I watched him mixing the drink.
"Malibu, and whatever else we put in."He laughed, pouring two cups and handing one to me.
I took it, holding it up as we cheersed, then took a sip.
Immediately I was hit with a sweet kick, causing my body to react by shivering.
That immediately got a reaction from Adam as he began laughing, "Shit that's good but you're right it has a fuckin kick."I laughed, taking another sip.
"Mike and I were fuckin around with drinks and got that, not sure what to call it though."He said, going over to Adam's box and putting a tape in that I immediately recognized.
I smiled with a slight laugh, "I haven't heard this mixtape in years now."
"I found it recently again, relistening after years of not hearing it I think makes you appreciate the song choices more."He smiled, taking a seat next to me.
I nodded, "You're not wrong with that, so I'll drink to it."I smiled, taking another sip.

What felt like hours later, which in reality was probably 2-3 hours, the both of us were definitely tipsy and had begun drinking beers after a handful of whatever the fuck cocktail Adam and Mike created.
Adam and I had just been talking and drinking, like we usually did minus we weren't smoking. At one point we had moved to Adrock's bed to sit on as Adam was switching the tape sloppily and my ass had became numb on the bar stool chairs.
I was staring out at the pool through the open window, it had grown dark out and the lights in the pool illuminated the water in such an intriguing way.
My eyes shifted when I noticed the song change, an Aerosmith one, I let out a small laugh.
"What?"Adam asked from beside me.
I looked to him, he took another swig of the beer he had and looked to me, "What're you laughing at?"
"The song..I thought you didn't care for Aerosmith."I said, letting out another small laugh as I took a swig from my beer.
He looked over to the box, picking up on the song now and smiling.
"It just felt right.."He mumbled.
I looked back out to the pool,
"Doesn't the water look so beautiful, just the slightly moving water in the lights..it's so..pretty."I said, mumbling the last parts. I could feel the buzz in me from the beer, it had me tranced almost.
"I know something even prettier.."Adam mumbled.
I turned my head, not realizing he had moved closer to me and was inches in front of my face.
I immediately felt my heartbeat pickup, he turned to me with a smile that immediately made me smile.
His smile was extremely contagious.
"What would that be?"I asked with a small smile.
He slowly grabbed my hand and encased my fingers with his, "You". He smiled in a low voice, immediately causing my cheeks to flare up and my heartbeat to quicken.
He held my face in his other hand, my fingers still enlocked with his other one, he was about to say something before the door busted open and both of us jumped and fell off the bed onto the ground.
Immediately we both began laughing,
"What the fuck are you two doing in here? And why're you laughing on the ground?"Adrock's voice boomed over the music, as it cut.
Adam and I were both still laughing,
"It's that fuckin cocktail you and Mike created the other night, I can smell it now, good god. C'mon get up off the floor you weirdos."Adrock laughed, causing me to roll off of Adam and look to Adrock.
"It's so good though Ad, you gotta try it!"I said.
"I have, and I already know you're gonna have a killer hangover in the morning. C'mon, it's 2am we've got shit to do tomorrow let's go, both of you."Adrock said, beginning to help me up as I grabbed Adam's arm, "Don't forget Adam! I'll be sad!"I pouted, looking to Adrock.
He laughed, rolling his eyes, just then Mike came in.
"Mikey! Hey! That cocktail thing? Fucking delicious!"I shouted, causing him to get a confused look and laugh.
"C'mon Dani, let's get you to bed."Adrock laughed, trying to move me but before I knew it I was picked up from the ground and on someone's shoulders, causing me to giggle.
"I'll take Princess Dani to bed, not to fear gentlemen!"Adam shouted in a fake british accent.
"You're intoxicated too, Yauch-c'mon."Adrock tried to reason with Adam but before I knew it we were moving fast.
He was running to the house, both of us laughing.
"Don't drop me Sir Adam!"I laughed as we continued running.
"I'll never drop my Princess Dani!"He shouted as we made it inside.
I don't know what was different about tonight, but, I hadn't felt like that in a while..yet, I felt something different entirely..

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