ELPIS, KALOPSIA, Autumn, 1653

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The wind hollowed and rasped Reverie's legs through the thin fabric of her dress as she ran down the hill. Everything in front of her blurred to dark shades of colour. The grassy hill, the raging sea breaking on the rocks far below, the dim horizon in the distance and everything beyond that. Reverie wanted to go there. It felt as if the only breathable air existed on that mysterious other side.

Reverie ran, flying down the hills, feeling the wet grass rasping her legs and breaking her tights. Reverie held both sides of her dress, so she would not fall as she went, as she ran and let go of every image her mind had bottled up inside.

Of him smiling.

Of him getting close.

Of his lips brushing hers and her pulling away.

Because he... he and her were a tragedy come to life.

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