Chapter Four

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Chapter Four | One Step Closer

BEFORE YOU LEFT THE west office, you and Leon split up to search for anything you might have missed in the room.

        Rummaging through the lockers, you found some handgun ammo and gunpowder. There was a note stating the usage of gunpowder and how different guns required different ammo, so craft wisely.

        The small office to your left had a large green safe behind the desk. Unsurprisingly, the safe had been locked, but it was the old style with the turning lock. It was easy for you to put a hand on the door and feel when the lock wanted to open.

        After a couple of tries, you finally got the safe to open. Inside was another small belted pouch, which you attached to your hip for more storage.

        You exited the small room and walked over to where Leon stood near his desk. "Find anything useful?" you asked, adjusting the zippered pouch to lay flat on your hip.

        "Yes, a high-capacity mag clip!" he grinned, holding the clip up for you to see. "The department left the custom part for me as a gift. It extends the clip capacity to 24 rounds and shortens reload time."

        You leaned against the desk with your arms crossed. "Nice, but for what gun?"

        Leon held up his gun, a 12-shot capacity 9mm polymer frame handgun. "For Matilda!"

        You raised a brow, confused. "Matilda?"

        Leon rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly with his other hand. "Oh, right. I named my gun that," he told you shyly. "Léon: The Professional is one of my favorite movies and well . . ."

        Even though the room was dark, you could see him blushing. You thought he looked adorable when thoroughly embarrassed.

        "Aww, don't be embarrassed! I think it's cute that you named your gun after one of the main characters, Lèon."

        If possible, his cheeks went even redder.

        You couldn't help but laugh at his expression before stating, "I'll have you know that's one of my favorite movies."

        In an instant, you saw him perk up.


        You nodded. "That and The Silence of the Lambs. I'm a sucker for crime and thriller movies."

        "Same! I love Pulp Fiction. I can recite nearly every scene of that movie."

        "Don't you just love it when you come back from the bathroom and find your food waiting for you?" you said, quoting one of your favorite lines. 

        Leon laughed, and you grinned.

        For a moment it felt like you weren't stuck in an apocalypse . . . that you were back at university chatting to a cute boy.

        But sadly, that wasn't reality.

        You sighed and pushed off the desk. "Alright, as much as I would love to talk more, we should get back to our mission."

        Leon nodded in agreement and you went over to the door that led back into the main hall.

        Trying the knob, you found it to be locked, and once again, there was an insignia on it. This time it was in the shape of a blue spade as opposed to the green club from before.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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