Chapter Thirty Six

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Cal had Lennon raised up against the tree. They were half undressed and their bodies clashed together leaving no openings.

"Holy shit," I repeated as I pulled my eyes away, staring intently at the spot on the ground by their feet. Lennon was muttering curse words under her breath as she quickly reached for her clothes, aggressively chucking Cal's shirt at his head.

Once they were dressed I looked up at them. Their expressions were a mix of pleading and slight embarrassment.

"Sutton," Cal said slowly, looking at Lennon.

I remained quiet biting my cheek while holding in the laugh. A reaction that was forming from the shock of what I had stumbled upon.

"Sutton," Wren said as he made his way through the trees. "Oh hey guys.... What's wrong?"

Lennon refused to make eye contact and fidgeted with her shirt. Wren who easily picked up on the signs mumbled oh as he realized. "The woods? Not a bad choice Cal," Wren joked. Sending a fiery blaze in Lennon's eyes.

"You can not say a thing," she said her words firmly as she stared down Wren, who had put his hands up in defense.

"You guys it's not that big of a deal. You know Kieran's going to be ecstatic, you're his best friends," I said confused at the seriousness of the whole matter.

"We're not mates," Cal said quietly.

"It's not uncommon for non mates to be with each other," I continued still confused on the secrecy.

"No it is not," Lennon started moving closer keeping her voice low. "But Cal and I aren't just normal pack members, we have roles that are expected of us. We don't need the whole pack involved in what we choose to do".

"Ok I get that but Kieran is not exactly going to gossip about it to everyone you can trust him," I added.

"We do trust him, Sutton. But if we tell anyone about it suddenly it makes the whole thing a little to.... Well a little to".

"Real," Lennon said, cutting off Cal.

"What Lennon and I do is to burn off the pressure of everything that's it," Cal said with Lennon nodding in agreement.

"I understand," I said. "I'm not going to lie to Kieran if he asks me but I won't tell him either. It's not my place".

At that they both seemed to relax a little bit.

"Thank you," Lennon said, her burning eyes simmering "really," she sighed appreciatively.

Wren nodded in agreement acknowledging that he also wouldn't be going telling others what he had figured out about the two today. We understood the situation far too well. Wren must have had the same thoughts as we also exchanged empathetic knowing looks.

We turned back the way we came, giving Lennon and Cal their privacy back. After we were a little ways away Wren started laughing which made me laugh.

"They're sure in for it," he chuckled.

"I think they'll be ok," I added, laughing lightly recalling everything that had happened with Wren.

"I think so too," Wren said, giving me a slight bump with his shoulder. He wasn't talking about Cal and Lennon anymore.

"I'm glad you're staying," I added. "Even though you piss me off".

"Me too. I'll try to reign in my asshole ways you more than anyone don't deserve that. I haven't been fair to you," Wren said before stopping.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I want to tell you what I did at Crescent pack. But I also don't want you to hate me or think less of me for it," Wren admitted.

"Wren, that won't happen," I said reassuringly.

"It might," his voice was somber. "I wouldn't blame you for it either".

"I know all the worst parts of you Wren and you know all of mine. I'm your friend and I'm on your side. Always" I said, putting my hand on his arm giving it a encouraging squeeze.

Wren let out a large exhale. I willed my face to remain neutral. I wanted the truth. No matter how ugly and horrible it was. At least I would know. At least all of our secrets would be out there and in the open.

"After I left that night I drugged them and pulled them into the woods..... I tortured them for hours. The dose was so heavy and I had a mask on so they didn't know it was me. I kept pumping them with it for the hours I unleashed hell on them," Wren's voice was barely above a whisper as he talked. "I tortured them both until they were near death and then I made it very clear what I would do to them if they continued what they had started. That being an assassin put a target on not only his head but also his mates... I did awful things Sutton. Things I can't take back. I crossed every line there is".

Wren watched me quietly as I processed. Wren and I had done some rather gruesome, terrible things. I knew he had resorted to Alpha Montgomery's methods if he was too ashamed to even fully say it.

"Thank you for telling me. I know that you did those things to protect me and the people we care about but Wren we swore we would never result to what he taught us. Those things will twist and corrupt every good part of you".

"I know Sutton. I have been trying to make up for it ever since. It's why I refused to tell you," Wren said sullenly.

"Say it once and let's be done with it. Please," I said. I needed him to say what he had done. To own up to his actions fully.

"I branded them. Brutally. I permanently marred their skin so deeply they could smell each other's flesh turn to embers," Wren said. The horror of the memories crossed his face as though he was there. Witnessing it again.

"Sutton I thought it would be enough to scare them off. I never imagined they would put the pieces together and come after you. I'm so sorry about it all," Wren said.

I wrapped my arms around him pulling him tightly against me. "I know," I mumbled into his shoulder.

He dropped his head so it rested on top of my shoulder between my neck. His whole body shook but no tears came out. He was still holding it in. Punishing himself for his actions. I knew he would regret and punish himself over this for years. It wouldn't matter what I would say. He was capable of hurting himself more than anyone else ever could.

"I fucked up Sutton. I'm no better than he is. I thought I was. But I'm not," He whispered.

"You are not him," I said in my voice firm.

"I still love you," He sighed. Still wrapped in my arms.

"I know".

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