the yellow coat and the dirty paper bag

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These characters and story arent mine!!

They’re from little nightmares and this is an au of
what i wished happened cuz why not :]

This is most likely just gonna be a oneshot but I'll add more if it gets popular or ppl want it

I hc them as nonverbal but for the sake of the story and that they are older I'll change it

Mono is standing in front of six in the rain. There is an ominous glow in the background; the
signal tower is close by. They stand in silence, not knowing what to say. It's been a long time
since the incident and they hadn't seen each other since.

Mono’s breath hitches and he tears up.


Six looks down, it’s difficult to tell her emotion but it resembles guilt. Mono takes a step forward
before nearly knocking her over.

‘WHY?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?! it something i did? d-did i do something wrong..?
..tell me… TELL ME WHY!!’

Mono was shaking and in tears, the betrayal of his best friend was something he can’t handle.
Six simply looks at him, devoid of emotion; well, she wouldn’t have any emotion if you didn’t
know her, but if you did, you’d know she was close to breaking down herself.


She looks back down and tries to muster up an answer. After all, it's not easy to describe her
current situation.

She fiddles with the sleeves of her raincoat, she still has it even though it's been well over a
year since she found it. It's as worn and dirty as ever. She’s clearly been struggling in the time he’s been gone.

‘i-i-… I'm s-so.. So-rry..’

Six sobbed. She crumpled to her knees holding her head tightly. Mono seems surprised, when
he fell she didn’t look remorseful in the slightest. So why does she care now..?

‘I di-dn’t mean t-to.. I d-didn’t wan-na let go..’

Now that really took him by surprise. He spent over a year resenting her because he thought she did it on purpose; he still doesn’t completely understand, but seeing his friend this upset by her actions is enough to consider forgiveness.

He crouches down and takes his signature bag off his head. She doesn’t acknowledge his action and continues to sob silently. Just like the first time they met, he held out his hand; there's a strong sense of deja vu and irony lingering around them.

‘Come on you big cry baby, let’s find somewhere safe and you can tell me about it ok?’

She looks up to face him in slight relief.

Hehehe.. okay..’

Mono wipes her tears and she takes his hand. They stand up and start walking to find
somewhere safe.

Now, tell me everything that i missed.’

She smiles and laughs a little.

‘Ok bag head.’

the yellow raincoat and the dirty paper bagWhere stories live. Discover now