Chapter XII

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"A puppet who falls once, will always fall again„

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"A puppet who falls once, will always fall again„

You had reached the top of the mountain, and surprisingly Yae Miko expected you, the both of you sat down chatting with eachother. That's when you remembered "Yae may i ask a few questions?" you asked, she nodded "Of course you may darling" she spoke so kindly "Do you know much about Scaramouche?" you asked, Yae Miko was shocked to find you asking her that, but she couldn't help but giggle "Oh honey.. I know allot more than you think i do, infact if you will, you can say I'm his second mother" you froze in place, as in.. Mother figure.. Right? Yae Miko caught on to your confusion "I see.. He hasn't told you anything has he?" she asked, you shook your head confirming her suspicion.

Yae then sighed "You see, you probably have noticed he is far from human, correct?" she asked, you nodded "He doesn't even have a heartbeat" you said, Yae nodded confirming "You see, many moons ago, the Raiden Shogunate, her name is Ei, had lost her sister. Due to being so emotionally unstable, she wondered if she could create puppets, wich she could indeed. Scaramouche is Ei's puppet if you will, Ei 'discarded' him after realizing he wasn't fit for the role of an archon" she started, your head already hurt "It was never of Ei's intention to make Scaramouche believe she abandoned him for having emotions, you see the poor doll would cry as he slept, he never truly learnt to deal with his emotions. Ei simply thought he deserved to be freed, explore the world if you wish, but he never saw it that way"

She paused for a second "Infact, you are the one who told me that he couldn't control his emotions, he always seemed unstable, even now Scaramouche has no control over it" she continued "That's allot to take in, isn't it?" she added with a sweet tone, you nodded silently before speaking "I would've never guessed he was the electro Archon's son.." you said in almost a whisper, Yae giggled in response "Yes well, allot of secrets are hidden in this world" Yae spoke, she was calm but you felt like a whole wall had crashed into you "Gosh i wish i could go talk to him right now.." you said hanging your head in your hands, Yae Miko hummed in response "Yes well i understand, but we have to focus on how to keep you alive little one" she patted your head.

The two of you continued talking, trying to understand what could possibly help you retrieve your memory "What was our last encounter then, if i may ask?" you asked her, Yae thought for a second before smiling with a hum "Well, i remember you talking about finding Scaramouche, you had found out he had joined the fatui few days after you last saw him. He stopped replying to your letters and you grew more and more anxious each day, you could barely concentrate to learn controlling your powers. You told me about leaving to go seek him, and i never saw you afterwards. I just supposed you had left" Yae spoke peacefully "You wanted to become a Shrine Maiden back then, you thought it could help make it more easier when taking my place as a kitsune. Of course you aren't forced to take my place, but back then that's what you wanted"

You frowned, everything was so confusing "Considering i have lost all memory i suppose i didn't leave and something else happened huh?" you murmured, Yae Miko nodded "Most likely little one, but i promise i won't allow you to suffer" her hand ran through your hair, you stood up "I heard Scaramouche tall about the fact the Fatui was after me?" you said, Yae thought "Is that so? Well i suppose i did hear about a harbinger that does experiments but far was i to think he would take it out on you" she said, you shrugged "I suppose.. But how would it of happened" you said in an almost whisper tone "Maybe the potion could help, the one i gave you last time. I could always ask her myself"

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