Chapter Twelve

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(Parents point of view)

Tom and Becca left the dance hall feeling energized. They walked slowly to their car, the music still in their heads.

"Nothing like a little Salsa huh Becca?"


"Do you want to go again on Wednesday?"

"What's Wednesday?"

"Ballroom." Tom said as he took her hand.

"I would love that. You know what?"


"I wish Taylor had a boyfriend."

"Why is that?"

"So she could join us."

"You really think she would?"

"I don't know. I mean dancing is in her genes. We didn't put her through dance school just to blow it all away."

"I suppose."

"Honestly I think I'm just scared, Tom. Scared that she will be an old maid. It's like nobody wants her." Becca said exasperated.

"Uh huh." Arriving at their car, Tom unlocked it and they got inside. Tom started the car and as they waited for the car behind them to back out, he decided to touch on a sore subject.



"Not to accuse, but you have been pretty strict about it."

"About what?"

"The whole boyfriend thing."  Becca sighed and crossed her arms

"Have I?"

"Yes. But just a little. I know that you told her she couldn't date until she graduated. And it couldn't be someone from online." Becca tsked

"Well now that's dumb. I guess I didn't know I was holding reins around her. I should have told her she can find someone online with my help. I mean she doesn't go out much, where else is she going to find someone?"

"It's alright. I'm not one to judge though, I know I've been holding her back on some things. Like driving and uh letting her go out to things with her friends. And other things."

"I mean it's what parents do. They hold onto them for as long as they can, but eventually we have to let them go."  Becca said with a smile as Tom backed out of the parking spot.

"Exactly. But hey we are sort of doing that. We're allowing her to go to college far away."

"I know. But she's not gonna know  squat, we haven't raised her to be all that she is."

"Now hun no need to feel guilty. It's not like she's going to disappear one day because she's mad at us."

"You think she would run away?"

"No. Just a thought that entered my mind."

"Oh. I guess I always thought that being strict was good. Kept them from danger."

"It is in a way. I mean think of all the kids we saw growing up, they were wild and out of control. We vowed to raise our kids sheltered so they didn't end up like them."

"You're right. Now, how about we pick up some sushi for her. You know as a way of celebrating without going out, I know she wouldn't mind a late night snack."

"That's a great idea. We'll get her sushi and you and I can get Italian food."

"Sounds like a plan. Oh that reminds me, I need to place an order for her cake."

"Who all is coming on Wednesday?"

"Let's see, my mom and dad, your dad. Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ryan. A couple of her friends and us. I mean she doesn't know many people and-"

"And all the people we want to invite are too annoying to entertain."

"Exactly." Beccas said with a laugh as they pulled into Saukura. Taylor's favorite sushi restaurant. Tom went in to order as he knew her favorite the best. While inside, Becca placed their order from Olive Garden. Tom came back shortly after, the smell of the sushi making Becca gagged.

"Oh that stuff smells awful. I don't get how she likes it."

"It's teenagers these days, they like everything." Tom commented as they headed to their next destination.

"Think she will be awake?"

"Oh yeah. You tell her ""don't wait up for me"" but she does anyway."

"It's something I've always enjoyed about her."

"Me too." They grew silent as they drove on, the sky getting dark as it threatened to rain. They arrived at Olive Garden to find their order ready for them so they were in and out in a flash.  Then they headed for home not knowing that they would soon be pushed into insanity.  They arrived to a dark home.

"She must be asleep, all the lights are off."

"Unless she's on her computer. With her dark out curtains we might not be able to see it."

"True." Tom pushed the button and the garage went up. Both of their mouths dropped open

"Where's the car?"

I don't know." Tom put the car in park and they both got out. They looked around the garage

"Oh my god. She didn't take it out did she?"

"Let's hope not." Tom went to put the key in the side door,

"Baby?" Becca said in a high pitched tone.


"There is blood on the door handle." Tom came closer and looked. They followed the drips to where the Escalade had been and where the Prius would have been.

"Do you think she's hurt?"

"We won't know until we go inside." Tom went back to the door and was about to put the key in, but he found that it was open. "Stay here Becca."

"What's wrong?"

"Just stay here." Tom entered the home, sneaking into the house listening for life. Something touched his back and he jumped, he turned to see Becca, he frowned, but stopped when he realized she probably couldn't see him.

"Is someone in the house?"

"I don't think so. But something is wrong."

"Taylor! Taylor!" Becca called out as lights flicked on dousing the kitchen in giht. Together they raced up to her room but no one occupied it, they checked all the other rooms but met back in the kitchen without a clue.

"Was she going out with Bria tonight?"

"I-I don't think so."

"Should we call them?"

No, no I don't want to freak them out. Let's drive around the block, check the park."

"Alright." Together they drove the block, but did not find her even when shouting her name. They checked every square inch of the park to no avail. They went back home, Becca leaned heavily against the island as she looked up at her husband,

"Tom! Where is our daughter?"

"I think it's time we call the police."

"I-I will. Tom, why don't you try the backyard, maybe she's having a camp out in the fort." Tom grabbed the flashlight from the cupboard

"That's where I was headed next." Tom left as Becca grabbed the land line dialing with shaky fingers as her mind raced figuring out where her daughter might be.      

"911 what's your emergency? Becca sniffled loudly.

"My daughter has disappeared."

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