Chapter Twenty-Six

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The room had been silent for many minutes as all three people looked at one another. Finally Tom broke the silence but when he spoke, his voice came out low and husky

"Are you certain of your facts?"

"Yes we are."

But how can you be sure? I mean he has my little girl!" Becca said rising

"We called in a favor to Russia. Apparently they've been surveilling him long before he came to America."

"Does he kill?" Becca asked, crossing her arms. Detective Stan nodded and sipped his coffee.

"Yes. But always for ar eason. A reason for safety for him and then of course his brother. And now most likely your daughter."

"Who tells him the commands? Obviously he didn't wake up one day and decided to come to America to kidnap a teenage kid."

"No. He doesn't decide things for himself. All orders and commands come from Arseny Volkov" Stan shoved a folder towards them. Tom opened and Becca peered over his shoulder. Inside was a picture of a stone cold man with graying hair. One eye and an empty socket. Becca began to shiver at his creepy appearance.

"Who exactly is he to Stone-I mean Alexei?" Tom asked

"He's his dad."

"How terrible."

"Yes, it's a bond that can never be broken. At this time, we don't know why Alexi took her. We hope to find out in time. But you just have to sit tight for now."

"You'll call us?" Tom asked but before Stan could respond, Becca jumped in,

"When did you come to this conclusion?" Becca asked squinting her eyes

"Only of a few days ago. That is why we thought it best we call you for if-"

"If he has her, you want us to know who exactly has her?" Becca finished.

Yes. Now as if right now, you do not have any reason to worry."

"And why's that?" Tom asked, crossing his arms. Detective Stan leaned forward

"As far as we know right now, he's not dangerous.  We finally have his information. Would you like to see it?"

"Please." Tom said, nodding his head. Detective Stan slapped a file on the table and Tom reached for it and opened it up. Inside he found a picture of Stone, but instead of brown, he had black hair-curly to his neck. As well as a hint of a beard that made him look rugged. His eyes were the same, deep green blue like the ocean. Becca breathed sharply,

"He looks so different. Is this his original everything?"


"Do you think he will change back over time?"

"Overtime, yes. I think once he starts to trust your daughter his guard will slip."

"Is there any chance he would allow her to call?"

"Perhaps. Especially if he isn't like his father." Stan rose and smiled at them, " I'll show you out."

"Is it okay if we keep these?" Tom asked holding the folders up

"They're actually yours. We made you some copies as we; as some other people that may be involved." Stan walked them to the door. Becca paused at the door and turned to Stan

"Will we ever find out why he took her?" Stan placed a hand on her arm

"If we find him."

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