Chapter 10 - Into The Factory

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The children found themselves standing in a long corridor that stretched away in front of him as far as he could see. The corridor was so wide that a car could easily have been driven along it. On the floor was a long ruby red carpet that stretched from one end of the corridor to the other. The lighting was soft and pleasant.

"Just drop your coats anywhere." Mr. Wonka instructed the group.

"Mr. Wonka, it sure is toasty in here." Mr. Teavee said.

"Oh, yes, I have to keep it warm in here because my workers are used to an extremely hot climate." Mr. Wonka explained. "They just can't stand the cold."

"Who are these workers, if you don't mind my asking, Mr. Wonka?" Nolan finally spoke for the first time since entering the factory.

Mr. Wonka turned to Nolan with a sort of blank smile. "All in good time." He said. "Now!"

With that, they all started walking down the corridor. Out of nowhere, Violet suddenly hugged Mr. Wonka's waist, surprising him. Nolan could see he was cringing hard.

"Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde." She introduced herself simply.

Mr. Wonka stared for a second. "I don't care." He whispered.

"Well, you should care," Violet fired back. "Because I'm the girl who's gonna win the special prize at the end."

"Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key." Mr. Wonka stated. Violet looked at her mother excitedly and Ms. Beauregarde smiled back.

Mr. Wonka had only taken three steps when he was again abruptly stopped, this time by Veruca stepping in front of him.

"I'm Veruca Salt. It's very nice to meet you, sir." The girl beamed with a curtsy.

Mr. Wonka smiled. "I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot. Ha!"

Veruca scowled in anger at that, and Nolan couldn't blame her. Just then, Augustus slid in front of Veruca to introduce himself next.

"I'm Augustus Gloop, I love your chocolate!" He said joyfully with his mouth full as usual.

"I can see that." Mr. Wonka smiled. "So do I! I never expected we'd have so much in common."

He then turned around to look at the rest of the boys, his eyes landing first on Mike.

"You, you're Mike Teavee." Mr. Wonka said. "You're the little devil who cracked the system."

Mike just glared back at the chocolatier.

Mr. Wonka then turned to Charlie, who stared blankly in return. "And you, well you're just lucky to be here, aren't you?"

Mr. Wonka then fixed his eyes on Nolan. "So that must make you Nolan Connelly, right?"

Nolan nodded in response with a smile. "Yes, Mr. Wonka. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"And you as well." The chocolate genius replied, returning the curly haired boy's smile with his own. "I saw your speech on the television the other day. I must say it was quite motivating!"

"Well, um... thank you." Nolan's cheeks went red as he awkwardly looked around the room. His eyes landed on Violet, who smirked and winked at him, causing his cheeks to grow even hotter. Beside her, Veruca smiled warmly. Charlie just gave him a smile and a shy wave.

Mr. Wonka then focused his attention on the rest of the group. "And the rest of you must be their pa–"

Mr. Wonka seemed to choke on the word "parents." He couldn't get it out, no matter how hard he tried.

"Parents?" Mr. Salt decided to finish the sentence for him.

"Yeah. Moms and dads." Mr. Wonka replied. However, the word "dads" put the man into a regressive state, and he spaced out. "Dad... papa..."

The group all had confused looks on their faces. "Mr. Wonka, are you all right?" Nolan asked, and Mr. Wonka snapped out of his trance.

"Don't worry, Nolan, I'll be fine." Mr. Wonka dismissed his concern with a smile. "Okay, then. Let's move along!"

At that, Mr. Wonka nervously turned back around and led the group along the corridor. As they were walking, Mr. Teavee looked at Mr. Salt.

"Is it just me or does Wonka seem a few quarters short of a buck?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak American." Mr. Salt responded, causing both Nolan and his father to giggle.

"Vould you like some chocolate?" Augustus asked Charlie as the two walked alongside one another.

"Sure." Charlie replied.

"Zen you should have brought some." The German boy said selfishly, taking yet another bite of his chocolate bar.

Charlie just seemed to ignore his greediness. Nolan on the other hand was a little disgusted by it, but chose to try and ignore the situation.

Behind him, Veruca and Violet looked at each other.

"Let's be friends!" Veruca told Violet with a smile.

Violet smiled back. "Best friends!"

As soon as they linked their arms together, however, their smiles were replaced with frowns.

The two girls were in competition, after all.

Soon enough, they were all at the other end of the corridor. The ceiling had gotten so low that they had to crouch slightly so they didn't hit their heads. They reached a tiny door, and Mr. Wonka took out a big ring of keys.

"An important room, this." He said to everyone. "After all, it is a chocolate factory."

"Then why's the door so small?" Mike asked.

"That's to keep all the great big chocolatey flavour inside!" Mr. Wonka answered with a giggle.

He reached down and unlocked the small door. Then, he put his hand against the wall and pushed.

What the children saw next really took their breath away.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory - Male OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now