༺Chapter 2~A killing game?!༻

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༺Y/n's POV༻

"A bear...? What is going on...?" I thought.

Everyone else gasped at the sight of a black and white bear in front of us.

"Now I know what you're thinking and no I am NOT a high tech build a bear reject." said the plush bear. "I am the principle of this illustrious institution, Monokuma!" "Pleased to meet ya." said the bear kindly at the end.

I was staring at our so-called principle. I was shaking a bit on how sudden this. I could tell the others were scared too looking at thier faces.

Monokuma said some other things but I was still confused on why me and the others are still here.

My thoughts got interrupted by Taka saying good morning to the bear. "Please don't encourage it!" Toko said. "Yea you don't know what this thing is planning." I said.

I quickly turned my head back to Monokuma due to his voice filling the room. "Anyway, Welcome bright young things to your new living quarters." "Wait new living quarters? What the hell does he mean by that?" I thought. I was gonna say something but quickly got interrupted by Monokuma. "Now before you get all uppity rest assured it's for you own good, plus unlike the outside world throw that dazzling inner spark."

"The outside world what does that have to do with anything?!" My thoughts quickly got interrupted by Junko. "I don't think so!" Monokuma started talking again saying "Now you're wondering how long you'll be guests of our program. Ehh, approximately the rest of your life!"

I immediately spoke out of panic "WAIT THE REST OF OUR LIVES?!" Monokuma replied "Oh yea by new living quarters, I mean permanent living quarters!"

"Y-You can't be serious" Leon said. Chihiro following said "So were gonna be here for the rest of our lives?"

Monokuma said some othe thing but I wa too in shock to listen. Ton of thoughts filled my head. "Wait why are we gonna stay here forever" "What does this bear want from us?"
"Is there even a way out of here?"

Makoto mentioned the metal windows in the classrooms we woke up in. I guess I never really noticed that due to me hurrying to the gym.

Celestia asked about us living our natural lives here. I was thinking that too but then Monokuma interrupted saying "Natural lives? Oh that's rich. Actually for those who wish to leave there is one day to get out of here"

I finally spoke saying "Wait really? How?!" As if I wasn't panicking enough, Monokuma's next words finally paralyzed me. "Good old fashioned murder!!! Yes the student who kills a classmate AND gets away with it, will be able to walk out of here scott-free!" Monokuma started listing almost all the ways we can kill each other. We all stared at the bear in shock.

As we watched him holding up a random fish he got from who knows. "You're crazy?!" Leon yelled at the bear. "Yea! What could possibly be the point of making us kill?!" Sayaka following. Hifumi also following along said "Yea what they said!"

(Time skip because Monokuma says way too much)

Monokuma was walking down the gym in between us like he was the new king. "Look on the bright side, I'm letting you he away with murder for reals! So stop whining and start plotting!"

Suddenly Mondo walked up to the bear looking hella mad. "You want murder teddy two-tone?!" Suddenly Mondo crouched down at Monokuma's level.

Suddenly Mondo getting even madder suddenly lifted Monokuma into the air. "B*tch NO! I'm gonna tear you apart till there's nothing left but whatever's making you jabber."

I had the feeling to stop him but I didn't and was frozen due to the info that I just got. Also he would probably punch me if i were to try.

Suddenly there was this beeping sound coming from Monokuma. "Uh guys, what's that noise?" All of a sudden Kyoko screamed "OH NO, TOSS HIM!" "Huh?" "Trust me just do it!" Kyoko said to the confused Mondo"

Mondo doing what she said threw Monokuma into the air. Everyone was looking a the Monokuma and he suddenly blew up. Everyone in shock gasped in surprise.

"I-It could've blow my face up" Mondo said in shock. "Uh, y-yea your lucky that someone spoke up about it." I said kinda sarcastic.

"So the teddy bear's kaput?" Chihiro said. I was gonna say something but suddenly Monokuma's voice came from the speakers.

Then all of a sudden Monokuma looking completely fine came from the teachers podium again. Everyone gasped in surprise. "Son of a b*tch" Mondo said.

"Consider that a warning, young man" Monokuma said to Mondo specifically. Monokuma warned us about on what happens if we were to do the same. Finally he mentions this was the end of our so-called orientation and go to our rooms.

Chatter filled up the room.

"So I understand this correctly to make it out of this place with this kid." Celestia said twirling her hair.

"This is completely bogus" Taka said probably trying not to cuss.

"no... it's a joke..." Chihiro said almost crying.

Byakuya responding to Chihiro "Ha, a joke it may very well be. That doesn't elevate my concern as if on of you takes it at face value."

(Time skip by 75% leg Byakuya)

We all decided to just go to our rooms for the day because we tried everything to get out of here. Along with a lot happening.

Sakura tried punching one of the walls in the gym.

Leon and Mondo looked at the podium Monokuma magically went into.

We got some iPad thing called a Monopad with our profile.

Taka tried getting our hearts up but that didn't work for me at least.

And Makoto got punched in the face and knocked out.

I was walking down the hallways with Leon to the rooms. Honestly he was probably the only person I could trust at least I think so. When we got to the rooms I was a bit relieved that our rooms were right across from each other.

Before we went in, I decided to tell Leon something. "Hey Leon?" I said after he opened his door. "Yea Y/n?"
"Try not to die please" I manage to say without crying. Leon's frowned and said "I'll try not too but you don't know what could happen here"

I started crying on thinking on how hard it will be for me if I lost on if my only friends. Leon noticed an started hugging me for comfort.

After a couple of seconds, he pulled away and said "Hey, don't worry I promise we'll make it out together." "Promise?" I said unsure. "Promise" Leon said with a smile. A small smile appeared on my face. "Okay, goodnight Leon." I said walking to my room. "Goodnight Y/n" said Leon as he close his door.

I fell onto my bed out of exhaustion still praying this was all a nightmare. It wasn't long until I fell into a deep sleep



Holy s*it that took a while. Also I'm very sorry if you don't like Leon. Leon is just a big comfort character of mine and plus I can imagine the angst I could write in this. Anyways that's Chapter 2 of this story. I'll try my best to ge the first death in the next one. Anyways that it from me, and have a good day/night/afternoon and take good care of yourself.

1272 Words

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