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Hail to the God
Follow his footsteps' tread
That's what they said
And that's what I did
But with a perception of my own
[ Somewhere]

A young man walks over the dark streets. He is a bit tipsy and tired from all the frolics in the party.
The street lamps illuminating the dark streets go down all of a sudden.
It startles him. His gaze roams around in the darkness, trying to find at least one living soul. Just to be sure that he was safe.
" I need to hurry." He mumbles to himself.
He quickens his pace and is only able to cover a few steps before his phone rings, startling the hell out of him.
"*bal" He curses out.
He rummages his pockets before finally finding and taking the phone out of his back pocket.
He tsks in annoyance and answers the call.
" Aish!! Halmoeni!! Why in the frigging world did you call me!!? I told you not to didn't I?" He shouts loudly at his old grandmother who has been waiting patiently alone at home for her grandson to return.

" Hwan-ah... halmoeni is waiting for you. It's late child, come home quickly. It's not safe out..", the old lady speaks, her tone showing the love she has for her grandson despite his rude behaviour.

" Aish!! Have you gone barmy or what?? You're talking to me as if I'm some weak b*tch...Listen to me you old hag!! Don't cross the limits just because my parents are dead!,"
Hwan snapped before putting the call to an abrupt end before the poor old lady could say anything.

After the outburst Hwan kept taking measley steps towards his destination.
The dark streets sending chills down his spine.

He suddenly hears a shrill sound of hammering.

His eyes wander aimlessly in the dark. It felt a lot more darker than before. Why?
The sound of hammer striking at metal is heard again making him jump.
The hammer starts to strike faster than before. Almost at an erratic pace.
Hwan's senses start to clear and he realises...This isn't where he was headed to. Where is he?
What's that sound? All the endless questions swim inside his brain, making him sweat in panic.

"Wh-who's there??" He whimpers out.

But what he gets in return is just the sound of hammer.
He frantically looks around only to find darkness. His view starts to swim in front of his eyes, his senses no longer if he was on drugs.

A long hand creeps its way around his neck and he is clasped in a tight hold.

" Never...ever disrespect elders..", the voice whispers out.
It's a man. But who?

" Wh-who!?", Hwan tries to muster up his courage and ask but he can no longer feel himself. His brain is all over the place.

" A saviour.
Your Punisher. 
A deity to wash away your sins and set you free.
I am saving you and this world from sins of thee.."
Just as the words are whispered into Hwan's ear a shrilling scream echoes around the dark space.

" What are you even saying?? There's no way that... that you survived!
All the family members along with officer Lee were killed! " Taehyung says, wide-eyed, his palms getting sweaty and cold.

Taemin just smirks before looking Taehyung dead in the eye.
" You never know Taehyung-ah.. If it's too much for you to digest then let it go. You never heard me, I never told you anything. What else can you do? You cannot go to Jimin , asking about his past! All others are dead except me that is. You have no other option but to rely on me to fill in the blanks."

Taehyung is left speechless. He wants to believe Taemin but at the same time he can't. The man speaks like a devil. He seems like he knows what is coming his way and like death doesn't faze him. There are no tears when remembering about his dead family members.
Why? What is Taemin really? Taehyung wants to know but he knows that deep inside he is scared of the outcome. Scared of the uncertainty.

" What happened that night? How did you survive?" Taehyung asks, getting impatient.
He will decide whether to trust the man or not after the story is finished.

Taemin just chuckles which does nothing for lightening up the cold vibes of the room.

" That's for another time.. It's no fun  telling everything right? Find out yourself Tae. Find the answers." Taemin states calmly, agitating Taehyung more.

And before Taehyung can do anything Taemin's phone rings.
He tilts his head looking at the caller name for a second or two before lifting the call.

" What is it?" Taemin asks the caller and Taehyung is just left out to find the missing pieces of puzzle.
His mind is going haywire and there's nothing he can do to help that.

" Guess that you knew my number Prosecutor Lee Taemin...or..should I say Lee....

Song Kwang?"


A/N: Any feedback?

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