Party's Perilous Part Time Portrayal

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It had been five days since draks had captured Party from the Diner to save the rest of the kill joys as they escaped further into the zones. Five days since Party has had water, food, or even seen people. Five days all alone in a pristine white room with not but his dried blood being the only blemish. For the first few day Party did nothing but scream and try to break his way out of the room but with no avale. Untill finally of the last day some walked in. He was tall withw a grey suit and party knew who this was--------------------. It was Course! "OMG!" thought Party, this guy is super powerful and is the boss of the whole Zones! Even miss management didn't outrank him, damn that's crazy. As soon as the door opened, Party felt himself enshrouded in the demonic spirits of dead killjoys. Obviously, this made him egregiously uncomfortable as laying restless spirits to rest was what being a poisonous party was all about. Party noticed Course open his mouth, as if to speak. He slowly started to say "I hope you know of the crimes you've committed. Breaking into our research lab disturbed the current of our particle accelerators."--------------------Party stared back, there was an electricity behind his gaze, a hope and a knowledge that he was gonna get back to the zones. If not for himself then for the killjoys, for the rebellion. "I have a gift Party Poison." Korse spat his name like venom in his mouth, "Someone to keep you company." Another bald man walked in, the prison lighting that resembled that of a dorm room, reflected off of his pristine noggin. Party felt his heart throb. "You can call me Mr.Clean," The shiny man stated, "I'm simply here to clean your wounds, nothing more nothing less." He held a rag and medical equipment. Mr.Clean took out some rubbing alcohol and pored it on the white rag, he grabbed Party by the chin, kneeled down to his level, and looked him in the eye, "This will sting a bit," Mr.Clean wiped the cut on his forehead, his face was inches away, the air was heavy. "All done he said softly." He left, "Until we meet again."

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