The Adventure

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(Hello! I just wanted to thank you all for reading my stories. It helps out a lot. Also, this episode is basically gonna be the last episode, I just didn't want the last episode to be way too long. Enjoy this episode.)

There was a knock on the door. Tommy let go of Karl's hand and walked toward the door. He answered it. It was the pizza man. "Hey! I'm here to deliver the pizza......? Did anyone order a pizza? You look like your confused on who I am." The pizza man said. "Oh uhhh — I didn't order a pizza but my friend did." Tommy said. "Oh, okay." The pizza man said. Tommy took the pizza. "So. How much?" Tommy asked. "5 dollars please." The pizza man said. Tommy handed him the money. "Thank you!" The pizza man said then walked away. Tommy nodded and closed the door. Tommy turned around. "Welp. I got the pizza." Tommy said. Karl ran and snatched the pizza from Tommy's hands. "OOOH! GIVE ME PIZZA!" Karl yelled. Karl opened the pizza and got a slice out. Quackity ran downstairs. He saw Karl Jacobs with the slice. Quackity sighed. "You know your not eating ALL of the pizza, right?" Quackity said. Karl nodded while eating the slice that he took. Quackity grabbed the pizza box and closed it. Quackity went in the kitchen and set the pizza box on the counter. He then walked back to the living room. Sapnap was just happy to be found, at least in everyone's eyes. "Hey uhh, Dream and George? Uhh can we go on an adventure? I'm getting quite bored. And uhhh, I really want to go on an adventure. Uhhh, just the 3 of us?" Sapnap asked. George nodded. George looked at Dream. "Uhh, you?" George asked. Dream nodded. Both of them looked back at Sapnap. "Do we pack now, or?" George asked. "Uh. Sure." Sapnap said. George, Dream, and Sapnap went upstairs to start packing. Karl ate slowly. Quackity glared at Karl. "Jeez, champ. You wanna eat slower? Going a bit too fast." Quackity said sarcastically. "Well, the pizza is good! I wanna save the taste. I don't just wanna eat it too fast." Karl said. "What?" Quackity asked. Karl started eating a bit faster.

Sapnap's POV:

Dream, George, and Sapnap started packing their bags. "Can we pack some snacks?" George asked. "Sure." Dream said. "I WANT SOME SKITTLES AND A KITKAT!" George yelled excitedly. "But — the KitKat is a candy — not a snack." Sapnap said. "YOUR A CANDY!" George yelled and ran to go get the snacks. Sapnap paused packing while his face flushed. "C'mon." Dream said after a few seconds. Sapnap continued packing and his face went back to normal. After a few minutes, George came back with 6 KitKats, 3 waters, and 3 skittles. "I'm back!" George said. George put 3 of the KitKats in Sapnap's bag, and 2 in Dream's bag. George put 1 KitKat in his bag. George then put the 1 water in his bag, 1 water in Dream's bag, and the last in Sapnap's. George did the same with the skittles. All 3 of them put some clothes in their bags then closed and zipped their bags. Dream grabbed his bag, George grabbed his bag, and Sapnap grabbed his bag. "Alright. Well.......Let's go!" Dream said. They all 3 walked downstairs. "Hey! Uhh. Before you leave, don't get lost. I don't want Sapnap to get lost again. Then I'll have to save you. And it's annoying. So please." Karl said. Sapnap's face flushed again. "Is that the only reason why you don't want us to get lost?" Sapnap asked in an annoyed voice. "Yep!" Karl said. "Erm..." Sapnap said. "Sapnap! Let's go." George said. George, Dream, and Sapnap walked out the door.

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