Chapter Twelve

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I am an asshole.

My sister has always said it, my mum used to jokingly tell her friends after a few too many wines. Ex-girlfriends, too, of course.

Asshole, they say, and I don't disagree. But I also don't think it is a bad thing to want to live a quiet, private life. It's always black and white with me. Take it or leave it. However—in this scenario—I most certainly have been an asshole.

Nathan makes my blood boil like no other. Seeing his sister in my pub, my space—A rage unleashed inside me, consuming every rational thought that was in my head. I was already in a bad mood and now it's ten times worse.

"I didn't know," Cassie says, pinning me with a stern look. "But that was totally uncalled for."

Sticking my tongue against the inside of my cheek, I push back from the bar. Nearly every pair of eyes is watching me. Ignoring them, I stride out the front door. I see her long hair cascading down her back, moving in the night breeze. The sound of her crying makes me pause. A sinking sensation grips my gut.

"Brea," I say when I reach her.

"Come to harass me some more?" she spins, glowering at me with tear-filled eyes. "You firstly ask me on a date, only to stand me up, and now you yell at me in front of a bunch of the towns people and fire me at the same time. All because of something out of my control." She expels a harsh huff of air. "I really had the wrong impression of you."

Hardening my jaw, I turn my gaze away from those burning eyes and look out in the distance.

"I may have... overreacted."

She laughs humourlessly. "Yeah, you think so?"

"I find it hard to believe that Nathan hasn't concocted an evil plan to get you to work for me."

She blinks. "You are ridiculous. What... you think he has hired me to find your secret journal, or something? Listen to yourself." She shakes her head, wiping at her eyes. "I really thought you were special. Clearly, I was very wrong."

She goes to move around me, and I reach out, wrapping my fingers around her arm. "I'm sorry, Brea."

"Okay," she replies, refusing to look up at me.

"I really am."

"Got it."

"You can work here. For me. If that's what you want."

Scoffing, she tries to pull her arm free, but I tighten my hold. "Don't do me any favours, Cowboy. The damage is done."

"I don't like feeling like this." The whispered words fall from my mouth without my control. She freezes, finally dragging her eyes to stare into mine. "I don't like feeling out of control. I wasn't looking for... this." My hand moves between us. "And then you came along."

"Sorry to be such an inconvenience to your life," she spits angrily, storm clouds brewing in her narrowed eyes. "I didn't exactly plan this!"

My fingers travel from her elbow to her shoulder. She stills, her breathing coming out in short, sharp spurts. My hand glides across her collarbone, until it rests against her cheek. She leans into it.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I'm not good at saying the things that are going on in my head."

"I see that."

Gently, my thumb rotates across her jaw, teasingly running over her lower lip. She softens.

"You're a confusing man, Cowboy."

Lifting the corner of my mouth, I shrug. "That's a part of the fun."

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