Chapter Nineteen

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Laying on my side, I watch the clock flash 10am. My shift is starting now. I sent a message to Cassie explaining that I am no longer able to work there and apologised for the short notice. I switched my phone off, not wanting to see her reply right now.

"I don't really do girlfriends, Brea."

I simply can't be there. Around him. After what we have done together, after everything that has been said, only for him to go back against his word. Everything he has said up until now is obviously bullshit. He just wanted to get into my pants, and I almost let him. I am a fool.

As much as I have been ignoring Nathan's remarks about him, maybe he is right. Maybe he really isn't a nice guy. Someone who really isn't suited for me.

Forcing myself from the bed, I shower and dress before walking over to my brother's place. He's underneath his car in the shed when I arrive. Rasping my knuckles on the tin to let him know I'm here, I wait as he slides out from underneath it, glancing up at me.

"Dear sister," he says sarcastically. "Waving the white flag?"

"I have every right to be upset."

"And I had every right to respect my father's wishes."

"Our father."

Sighing, he pushes himself into a sitting position, his long legs out in front of him.

"What do you want?" he asks, looking tired.

"I want to have dinner with you and dad tonight."

"Okay," he says.

"And I want a job."

Nathan sucks his teeth as he stands, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up. Leaning on the car, I watch with dread as he fights the smirk taking over his face.

"Oh, yeah? What happened to mister nice guy that you've been panting over?"

"Nathan, I came here to talk to you. For real. It's either this, or I'm leaving. I can't afford to live here without a job and I ..." I trail off, hiccupping over my words. "I... I'm not ready to leave dad just yet."

Nathan's face softens, looking uncomfortable as tears spill down my cheeks.

"I was going to say yes. Didn't need to bring out the water works," he mutters.

"You're such an asshole."

"I know. That's why the bitches love me."

A snort of laughter bursts out of me and he flashes me a wide grin.

"Well, if you're going to work for me, meet me at the restaurant at two."

"Roger that. Thanks, big bro."

I spend the time waiting for my shift to start by wandering around town. I notice that the florist is closed. Trailing my fingers over the closed sign, I step away from it. It was always my dream to run this place, just like my mother. This was another thing she abandoned.

"Won't be open for a while, Hon."

Turning, I look in the direction of an elderly lady leaning on a cane. She offers me a warm smile, her fingers flicking toward the shop.

"Oh, really?"

"Owner isn't well."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Me too," she says softly. "I really love that shop."

The lady hobbles away and my eyes shift back to the shop for a moment before I look down at the time, realising I need to get to work.

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